Leif Erikson memorial

Leif Erikson memorial

The Leif Erikson memorial after its unveiling during a dedication ceremony held on the grounds of the Minnesota State Capitol on October 9, 1949. Photograph by St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press.

Leif Erikson memorial

Leif Erikson memorial

The Leif Erikson memorial on the grounds of the Minnesota State Capitol, St. Paul, ca. 1950.

Leif Erikson memorial dedication ceremony

Leif Erikson memorial dedication ceremony

The Leif Erikson memorial during its dedication ceremony in St. Paul on October 9, 1949. Photograph by the St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press.

Leif Erikson memorial dedication ceremony

Leif Erikson memorial dedication ceremony

A speaker addresses the crowd during the dedication ceremony of the Leif Erikson memorial on the Minnesota State Capitol grounds in St. Paul, October 9, 1949. Photograph by the Minneapolis Star-Journal.

Black and white photograph of Lena O. Smith, first female African American lawyer in Minnesota, undated.

Lena O. Smith

Lena O. Smith, the first female African American lawyer in Minnesota, undated.

Lena Olive Smith

Lena Olive Smith

Lena Olive Smith, ca. 1920s.

Photograph of Smith and a client at the Olive Hair Store, 1913.

Lena Olive Smith and client at Olive Hair Store, Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis

Lena Olive Smith and a client at Olive Hair Store, 1913.

Color image of the Lena Olive Smith House, 1991.

Lena Olive Smith House

The Lena Olive Smith House, 1991.

Lenette and Lauraine Lee

Lenette and Lauraine Lee

Lenette and Lauraine Lee, 1970. Published in the St. Paul Pioneer Press on July 26, 1970, with the article “Brothers Become Sisters: Transsexual Operations End ‘Years of Torment.’”

Lenette and Lauraine Lee shopping

Lenette and Lauraine Lee shopping

Sisters Lauraine and Lennette Lee shopping at a grocery store, 1970. From the St. Paul Pioneer Press, July 26, 1970.


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