Latin vows signed by Mother Benedicta Riepp

Color scan of Latin vows signed by Mother Benedicta Riepp,1846.


Latin vows signed by Mother Benedicta Riepp on July 9, 1846. The vows read: I, Sister Maria Anna Benedicta, promise before God and his saints stability, conversion of my morals, obedience, poverty and chastity, for three years according to the Rule of Saint Benedict and the statutes of this monastery, which is constructed in honor of St. Walburga, Virgin, in the presence of the Most Reverend and Illustrious Lord Karl August von Reisach, Bishop of Eichstätt. Original document used with the permission of the Archives of St. Benedicts’ Monastery, St. Joseph, Minnesota.

Public domain

Holding Location

Saint Benedict’s Monastery, St. Joseph, Minnesota

