Black and white photograph of a fruit display at the Minnesota State Fair, 1899.

Fruit display at the Minnesota State Fair

Fruit display at the Minnesota State Fair, 1899.

FSA (Farm Security Administration) borrower and wife. Cut-over area of Itasca County, Minnesota

FSA (Farm Security Administration) borrower and wife. Cut-over area of Itasca County, Minnesota

John Vachon photograph for the Farm Security Administration. July 1941.

Fun in the Sun day camp

Fun in the Sun day camp

Children participating in Hallie Q. Brown House's Fun in the Sun day camp, 1958.

Funeral decorations inside Lakewood Chapel

Funeral decorations inside Lakewood Chapel

The apse inside Lakewood Chapel decorated for a funeral, ca. 1930.

Funeral of Colonel William Colvill at Cannon Falls

Funeral of Colonel William Colvill at Cannon Falls

Funeral of Colonel William Colvill at Cannon Falls. June 15, 1905.

Black and white photograph of the funeral of Henry Ness, a striker killed during the strike, in front of strike headquarters at 215 South Eighth Street, Minneapolis, 1934.

Funeral of Henry Ness

Funeral of Henry Ness, a striker killed during the strike, in front of strike headquarters at 215 South Eighth Street, Minneapolis, 1934.

Black and white photograph of Funeral of Rabbi Samuel Deinard, Temple Israel, Minneapolis, October 16, 1921.

Funeral of Samuel Deinard

Funeral of Rabbi Samuel Deinard, Minneapolis, October 16, 1921.

Funeral procession for Knute Nelson

Funeral procession for Knute Nelson

Funeral procession for Knute Nelson, on Cedar Street by the State Capitol, 1923.

Funeral procession for the Unknown Serviceman of the Vietnam Era

Funeral procession for the Unknown Serviceman of the Vietnam Era

A special honor guard participates in the funeral procession for the Unknown Serviceman of the Vietnam Era. Picture are Gen. J. A. Wickam, USA; Admiral James D. Watkins, CNO; Gen. Charles A. Gabriel, USAF; Gen. John W. Vessey Jr., Chairman, JCS; and Gen. Paul Kelley, CMC. The senior enlisted men of their respective services march with them. Public domain.

Color image of woman's white ermine tippet and muff set made c.1840.

Fur accessories associated with the American Fur Company

Woman's white ermine tippet and muff set made c.1840 from pelts collected by traders working for the American Fur Company. Worn by Sarah Alexandrine Sibley, sister of American Fur Company agent Henry Sibley, during an 1840 visit to Washington, DC.


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