Front facade of the St. Paul headquarters of CLUES

Front facade of the St. Paul headquarters of CLUES

The front facade of the St. Paul headquarters of CLUES (Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio, 797 East Seventh Street), September 26, 2019. Used with the permission of CLUES.

Front gate, Carver County Fairgrounds

Front Gate, Carver County Fairgrounds

Front Gate, Carver County Fairgrounds, 2014. Photograph by Molly Huber.

Color image of the Front of B’nai Israel Synagogue and Dan Abraham Cultural Center, c.2013.

Front of B’nai Israel Synagogue

Front of B’nai Israel Synagogue and Dan Abraham Cultural Center, c.2008.

Black and white scan of the front page of the Minneapolis GLC Voice on July 18, 1988.

Front page of the "Minneapolis GLC Voice"

Front page of the Minneapolis GLC Voice on July 18, 1988.

Front page of the <em>Minneapolis Tribune</em>, May 7, 1965

Front page of the <em>Minneapolis Tribune</em>, May 7, 1965

Front page of the Minneapolis Tribune with the headline "Tornadoes Kill 10 in Area" and an article by Dick Cunningham, May 7, 1965. Minneapolis Tribune photograph by John Croft. Minneapolis Star Tribune negatives collection (box 251), Minnesota Historical Society.

Porch of the LeDuc Historic estate

Front porch of LeDuc Historic Estate

The front porch of the LeDuc historic estate, Hastings, ca. 1894.

Front steps of Watt Munisotaram

Front steps of Watt Munisotaram

The front steps leading to the entrance of Watt Munisotaram. Photo by Flickr user Coacoabiscuit, June 19, 2022. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Color image of Crookston city hall, October 2016.

Front view of city hall

Crookston city hall, October 2016.

Front view of Iron Man Memorial

Front view of Iron Man Memorial

Front view of the Iron Man Memorial, Chisholm. Photo by Suzanne Rian, October 2020.

Front view of the governor’s residence

Front view of the governor’s residence

Front view of the governor’s residence with security gate. Photograph by Peter J. Sieger, September 2, 2009. Used with the permission of Peter J. Sieger.


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