This Day in Minnesota History

November 22, 1879

Farmington suffers a major fire.

This Day in Minnesota History

November 22, 1870

Gas light arrives in Minneapolis.

This Day in Minnesota History

November 22, 1838

Samuel W. Pond marries Cordelia Eggleston within the present-day boundaries of Minneapolis.

This Day in Minnesota History

November 21, 1924

The steamer Merton E. Farr strikes and heavily damages the Duluth-Superior Bridge.

This Day in Minnesota History

November 21, 1902

The steamer Bannockburn and its twenty-member crew are seen for the last time as they set forth from Duluth, later disappearing somewhere on Lake Superior.

This Day in Minnesota History

November 21, 1849

The St. Anthony Library Association is formed. A subscription library, it allows dues-paying members to borrow books and is a precursor to the free public library, which would be authorized by an 1879 law permitting tax levies to support libraries.

This Day in Minnesota History

November 20, 1979

Artificial blood is used in the United States for the first time when Dr. Robert Anderson of the University Hospital injects Fluosol, a blood substitute developed in Japan, into a Jehovah's Witness individual who had refused a regular blood transfusion on religious grounds.

This Day in Minnesota History

November 20, 1969

Indians of All Tribes (IAT), a group of activists including Adam Nordwall (Red Lake Ojibwe) occupies Alcatraz Island in San Francisco. IAT intends to force negotiation with the federal government and to assert the need for Native self-determination. Members of the group remained on the island until they were forcibly removed in 1971, bringing national attention to Native issues.

This Day in Minnesota History

November 20, 1967

Nicollet Mall, a pedestrian walkway closed to traffic except buses, opens in downtown Minneapolis.

This Day in Minnesota History

November 20, 1855

The Mississippi River freezes over for the season, concluding a busy year during which 553 boats and 30,000 people traveled to St. Paul.


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