This Day in Minnesota History

January 10, 1941

Charles A. Lindbergh is the featured speaker at a large America First rally in Minneapolis. The America First Committee promoted US isolationism during the years leading up to World War II. Lindbergh's anti-war activity reduced his stature in many people's eyes, but after war was declared he would dedicate himself to the battle for victory, flying fifty missions in the Pacific.

This Day in Minnesota History

January 10, 1823

The Virginia is the first steamboat to reach Fort St. Anthony (later Fort Snelling), having made the 729-mile-trip from St. Louis in twenty days. Among the Virginia's passengers is Italian adventurer Giacomo C. Beltrami.

This Day in Minnesota History

January 6, 1840

Soldiers expel Selkirker squatters from the Fort Snelling military reservation and burn their cabins. Although the Selkirkers had moved to escape the fort's boundaries the year before, a new survey showed that they remained within the military's jurisdiction. The settlers then relocate to the site that would become the city of St. Paul.

This Day in Minnesota History

January 6, 1834

Two Presbyterian missionaries from Connecticut, Samuel W. and Gideon H. Pond, arrive at Fort Snelling and soon begin working with the Dakota on the shores of Bde Maka Ska. The Pond brothers would develop a Dakota alphabet, publish a Dakota newspaper, and record many traditional Dakota practices during their years as missionaries.

This Day in Minnesota History

May 8, 1968

Future baseball hall-of-famer James Augustus "Catfish" Hunter, pitching for the Oakland Athletics, throws a no-hitter against the Minnesota Twins. The final score is 4-0.

This Day in Minnesota History

May 8, 1924

Ice in Duluth's harbor traps thirteen ships, confining 400 individuals aboard.

This Day in Minnesota History

May 8, 1910

Governor Adolf O. Eberhart declares Minnesota's first Mother's Day holiday.

This Day in Minnesota History

May 8, 1881

Encouraged by Bishop John Ireland and sponsored by John Sweetman, visionary leader of the Irish-American Colonization Company, a group of Irish farmers moves to Currie in Murray County.

This Day in Minnesota History

May 7, 1900

Two days after arriving in Faribault with his new locomobile, an expensive two-seat roadster, Dr. R. N. Jackson is involved in an accident, breaking his ribs and collarbone.

This Day in Minnesota History

May 7, 1850

The Anthony Wayne is the first steamboat to reach the Falls of St. Anthony, winning a prize of $200.


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