Black and white photograph of “intermediate” students inside a classroom at an Native American boarding school in Beaulieu, c.1900.

Native American boarding school in Beaulieu, Minnesota

“Intermediate” students inside a classroom at a boarding school in Beaulieu, Minnesota, c.1900.

Black and white photograph of students at a Native American board school, c.1900.

Native American boarding school students

Students at a Native American boarding school, c.1900.

Black and white photograph of students inside a classroom at a Native American boarding school, c.1900.

Native American boarding school classroom

Students inside a classroom at an Native American boarding school, c.1900.

Black and white photograph of students at a Native American boarding school perform a Thanksgiving play, c.1900.

Thanksgiving play at a Native American boarding school

Students at a Native American boarding school perform a Thanksgiving play, c.1900.

Black and white photograph of a young child inside a Native American boarding school, c.1890s.

Child inside a Native American boarding school

A young child inside a Native American boarding school, c.1890s.

Black and white photograph of students and staff of a Native American boarding school, c.1900.

Students and staff of an Native American boarding school

Students and staff of an Native American boarding school, c.1900.

Black and white photograph of children at a Native American boarding school work in a garden plot, c.1890s.

Children at an Native American boarding school work in a garden plot

Children at a Native American boarding school work in a garden plot, c.1890s.

Black and white photograph of mmbers of the White Earth boarding school band photographed by the A. A. Richardson Photo-Illustrating Company between 1908 and 1916.

White Earth boarding school band

Members of the White Earth boarding school band photographed by the A. A. Richardson Photo-Illustrating Company between 1908 and 1916.

Black and white photograph of students performing a drill on the grounds of a Native American boarding school, c.1890s.

Students performing a drill on the grounds of a Native American boarding school

Students performing a drill on the grounds of a Native American boarding school, c.1890s.

Native American Boarding Schools

Native American boarding schools, which operated in Minnesota and across the United States beginning in the late nineteenth century, represent a dark chapter in U.S. history. Also called industrial schools, these institutions prepared boys for manual labor and farming and girls for domestic work. The boarding school, whether on or off a reservation, carried out the government's mission to restructure Native people's minds and personalities by severing children’s physical, cultural, and spiritual connections to their tribes.


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