Wood bow

Wood bow

A wooden long bow with a fiber string used in the US–Dakota War of 1862.

Double-barrel percussion rifle

Double-barrel percussion rifle

Double-barrel percussion rifle reportedly used by Parker J. Pierce during the US–Dakota War of 1862.

Muslin skirt with bullet holes

Muslin skirt with bullet holes

Hand-sewn, unbleached cotton muslin skirt or petticoat with seven holes near the hem. Mary Schwandt Schmidt's mother made the skirt in the spring of 1862 from the cover of the wagon in which the Schwandt family came to Minnesota. Mary Schwandt Schmidt was wearing the skirt when she was captured during the US–Dakota War of 1862. The holes near the hem are reportedly bullet holes, though the holes no longer retain their circular shape.

US–Dakota War of 1862

For six weeks in 1862, war raged throughout southwestern Minnesota. There were many causes. The fighting and its aftermath changed the course of the state's history, and descendants of those touched by the war continue to live with the trauma it caused.

US–Dakota War of 1862

Though the war that ranged across southwestern Minnesota in 1862 between settler-colonists and a faction of Dakota people lasted for six weeks, its causes were decades in the making. Its effects are still felt today.

Brian Coyle’s draft card, 1968

Brian Coyle’s draft card, 1968

Brian Coyle’s draft card, 1968. From the folder “North Vietnam Trip” in box 3 of the Brian J. Coyle papers, 1960–2001, Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

MN90: The Faribault WASP

Elizabeth “Betty” Wall, a pilot from Faribault, Minnesota, arrived in Texas in 1943 to do her part during World War II. Unlike male recruits, she had to pay her train fare—and her room and board—while she trained to become a member of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs). Britt Aamodt reports in this MN90 segment.

Marker at the burial site of J. W. Lynde

Marker at the burial site of J. W. Lynde

Marker at the burial site of J. W. Lynde (killed during the US–Dakota War of 1862) erected by the Minnesota Valley Historical Society in 1898. Photo by K. Linzmeier, July 30, 2013.

Marker at the site of Roberts' trading post

Marker at the site of Roberts' trading post

Marker at the site of Roberts' trading post (used before and during the US–Dakota War of 1862) erected by the Minnesota Valley Historical Society in 1898. Photo by K. Linzmeier, July 30, 2013.

Marker at the site of Forbes' trading post

Marker at the site of Forbes' trading post

Marker erected at the site of Forbes' trading post (important before and during the US–Dakota War of 1862) by the Minnesota Valley Historical Society in 1898. Photo by K. Linzmeier, July 30, 2013.


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