Hill, James J. (1838–1916)

James J. Hill fit the nickname “empire builder.” He assembled a rail network—the Great Northern (1878), the Northern Pacific (1896), and the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy (1901)—that stretched from Duluth to Seattle across the north, and from Chicago south to St. Louis and then west to Denver. He was one of the most successful railroad magnates of his time.

Black and white photograph of Minnesota Motor Corps encampment, Camp Lakeview, Lake City, c.1918.

Minnesota Motor Corps encampment

Minnesota Motor Corps encampment, Camp Lakeview, Lake City, c.1918.

Black and white photograph of Major Thomas Warham, c.1918. Warham was commander of the Medical Corps, Motor Corps Division.

Major Thomas Warham

Major Thomas Warham, c.1918. Warham was commander of the Medical Corps, Motor Corps Division.

Black and white photograph of Captain John P. Ernster, c.1918. Ernster commanded the Aero Division of the Minnesota Motor Corps.

Captain John P. Ernster

Captain John P. Ernster, c.1918. Ernster commanded the Aero Division of the Minnesota Motor Corps.

Black and white photograph of relief workers unloading coffins from Motor Corps vehicles after the fires of 1918.

Motor Corps vehicles in use after fires of 1918

Relief workers unloading coffins from Motor Corps vehicles after the fires of 1918.

Black and white photograph of a Red Cross nurse, and likely Motor Corps officer, 1918. The car has the Red Cross symbol on the hood and was likely part of the Minnesota Motor Corps.

Red Cross nurse and officer

A Red Cross nurse, and likely Motor Corps officer, 1918. The car has the Red Cross symbol on the hood and was likely part of the Minnesota Motor Corps.

Black and white photograph of Red Cross Auxiliary providing transportation to soldiers, c.1918.

Red Cross Motor Auxiliary providing transportation

Red Cross Auxiliary providing transportation to soldiers, c.1918.

Black and white photograph of Red Cross Motor Service car providing relief efforts after the October fires of 1918.

Red Cross Motor at Moose Lake

Red Cross Motor Service car providing relief efforts after the October fires of 1918.

Black and white photograph of members of the Red Cross Volunteer Motor Service, 1918.

Red Cross Volunteer Motor Service

Members of the Red Cross Volunteer Motor Service, 1918.

Black and white photograph of members of the St. Paul Chapter of the Red Cross, Motor Corps, 1918.

Members of St. Paul Chapter of Red Cross, Motor Corps

Members of the St. Paul Chapter of the Red Cross, Motor Corps, 1918.


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