Black and white photograph of cars on Dan Patch line of Minneapolis, St. Paul, Rochester & Dubuque Traction Company, 1910.

Car on the “Dan Patch Line”

Cars on "Dan Patch Line" of Minneapolis, St. Paul, Rochester & Dubuque Traction Company, 1910.

Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway

The Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway (MN&S) was a Minnesota short-line railroad that operated between the cities of Crystal and Northfield from 1918 until 1982. It was a profitable bridge line, routing traffic past the crowded freight yards of the Twin Cities onto connecting railroads at Northfield.

Color image of an aerial view of the Great Northern Depot and the surrounding area, looking north, 1978.

Aerial view of the Great Northern Depot and the surrounding area, Minneapolis

Aerial view of the Great Northern Depot and the surrounding area, looking north, 1978. Photograph by Charles Chamblis.

Black and white photograph of the interior of the Minneapolis Great Northern Depot waiting room, 1950.

Minneapolis Great Northern Depot waiting room

Interior of the Minneapolis Great Northern Depot waiting room, 1950.

Black and white photograph of the interior of the Minneapolis Great Northern Depot waiting room, 1950.

Minneapolis Great Northern Depot waiting room

Interior of the Minneapolis Great Northern Depot waiting room, 1950.

Black and white photograph of the Minneapolis Great Northern Depot, 1949.

Minneapolis Great Northern Depot

Minneapolis Great Northern Depot, 1949.

Color postcard showing the Great Northern Depot, Minneapolis, 1945.

Great Northern Depot, Minneapolis

Great Northern Depot, Minneapolis, 1945.

Black and white photograph of Workmen cleaning Minneapolis Great Northern Depot, 1944.

Workmen cleaning Minneapolis Great Northern Depot

Workmen cleaning Minneapolis Great Northern Depot, 1944.

Black and white photograph of Travelers’ Aid at Great Northern Depot, Minneapolis, c.1925.

Travelers’ Aid at Great Northern Depot, Minneapolis

Travelers’ Aid at Great Northern Depot, Minneapolis, c.1925.

Black and white photograph of the Great Northern Depot (right) and Chicago Great Western Freight Station (left), Minneapolis, c.1918.

Great Northern Depot and Chicago Great Western Freight Station, Minneapolis

Great Northern Depot (right) and Chicago Great Western Freight Station (left), Minneapolis, c.1918.


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