Black and white photograph of Henry G. Teigan, Magnus Johnson, and Arthur C. Townley, c.1930.

Henry G. Teigan, Magnus Johnson, and Arthur C. Townley

Henry G. Teigan, Magnus Johnson, and Arthur C. Townley, c.1930.

Black and white photograph of a Farmer-Labor political poster atop an automobile, c.1925.

A Farmer-Labor political poster atop an automobile

A Farmer-Labor political poster atop an automobile, c.1925.

Black and white photograph of a Farmer-Labor Convention, Minneapolis, 1922.

Farmer-Labor Convention, Minneapolis

Farmer-Labor Convention, Minneapolis, 1922.

Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party, 1924–1944

Minnesota's Farmer-Labor Party (FLP) represents one of the most successful progressive third-party coalitions in American history. From its roots in 1917 through the early 1940s, the FLP elected hundreds of candidates to state and national office and created a powerful movement based on the needs of struggling workers and farmers.

Black and white photograph of Florence Rood, c.1920s.

Florence Rood

Florence Rood, c.1920s.

Rood, Florence (1873–1944)

Florence Rood was one of the first Minnesota women activists in the Farmer Labor movement. She worked to improve the treatment of teachers and was active in their local and national organizations. Many of the successful struggles in which she participated informed the public of the importance of education and laid the groundwork for improved working conditions for educators.

Black and white photograph of James C. Burbank, c.1865. Photographed by Whitney's Gallery.

James C. Burbank

James C. Burbank, c.1865. Photographed by Whitney's Gallery.

Color image of an anti-war march held in Chicago just before the Democratic National Convention, August 10, 1968.

Anti-war march

Anti-war march held in Chicago just before the Democratic National Convention, August 10, 1968.

Color image of Vice Presidential nominee Hubert Humphrey with President Lyndon Johnson on the way to a landslide victory, 1964.

Hubert Humphrey and Lyndon Johnson

Vice Presidential nominee Hubert Humphrey with President Lyndon Johnson on the way to a landslide victory, 1964.

Black and white photograph of color Guard officers carrying the body of Hubert H. Humphrey down the steps of the Minnesota State Capitol in St. Paul, January 1978.

Procession with Hubert Humphrey’s coffin

Color Guard officers carry the body of Hubert H. Humphrey down the steps of the Minnesota State Capitol in St. Paul, January 16, 1978.


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