Henrik Shipstead with Floyd B. Olson

Henrik Shipstead with Floyd B. Olson

Shipstead seated next to Governor Floyd B. Olson, ca. 1931.

Henrik Shipstead campaign meeting

Henrik Shipstead campaign meeting

Gubernatorial primary campaign meeting for Shipstead in Willmar, 1920.

Henrik Shipstead with Magnus Johnson

Henrik Shipstead with Magnus Johnson

Shipstead with Magnus Johnson, ca. 1923.

 Lula Shipstead

Lula Shipstead

Lula Anderson Shipstead, wife of Henrik Shipstead, ca. 1925.

Henrik Shipstead’s house in Alexandria

Henrik Shipstead’s house in Alexandria

Shipstead’s house in Alexandria, Minnesota, ca. 1963.

Portrait of Henrik Shipstead

Portrait of Henrik Shipstead

Official portrait of Shipstead, seated, at Golling Studio, Minneapolis, 1923.

Henrik Shipstead delivering a radio address on KSTP

Henrik Shipstead delivering a radio address on KSTP

Shipstead delivering one of his radio addresses w/ KSTP microphone, ca. 1945.

Henrik Shipstead delivering a speech

Henrik Shipstead delivering a speech

Shipstead delivering a speech, ca. 1935.

 Henrik Shipstead delivering a speech

Henrik Shipstead delivering a speech

Shipstead delivering a speech, ca. 1940.

Henrik Shipstead speaking

Henrik Shipstead speaking

Shipstead speaking, ca. 1930.


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