Color image of Bluestem (prairie grass) with a quartzite outcrop in the background inside Blue Mounds State Park, 1998.

Bluestem (prairie grass) with a quartzite outcrop in the background inside Blue Mounds State Park

Bluestem (prairie grass) with a quartzite outcrop in the background inside Blue Mounds State Park, 1998.

Color image showing shadows of visitors to Blue Mounds Quarry, 1995.

Shadows of visitors to Blue Mounds Quarry

Shadows of visitors to Blue Mounds Quarry, 1995.

Color image of a Bison jump site at Blue Mounds State Park, 1995.

Bison jump site at Blue Mounds State Park

Bison jump site at Blue Mounds State Park, 1995.

Color image of a sunrise during the autumnal equinox in Blue Mounds State Park, 1990.

Sunrise during the autumnal equinox in Blue Mounds State Park

Sunrise during the autumnal equinox in Blue Mounds State Park, 1990.

Color image of a Blue grosbeak, April 27, 2011. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user Dan Pancamo.

Blue grosbeak

Blue grosbeak, April 27, 2011. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user Dan Pancamo.

Color image of a Sioux quartzite cliff in Blue Mounds State Park, 2007.

Sioux quartzite cliff in Blue Mounds State Park

Sioux quartzite cliff in Blue Mounds State Park, 2007.

Color image of the Blue Mounds State Park, Upper Dam, ca. 1990s.

Upper Dam, Blue Mounds State Park

Blue Mounds State Park, Upper Dam, ca. 1990s.

Color image of a Bison herd, 2014. From the photograph collection of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Bison herd, Blue Mounds State Park

Bison herd, 2014. From the photograph collection of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Color image of the Mound hiking trail, 2014. From the photograph collection of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Mound hiking trail

Mound hiking trail, 2014. From the photograph collection of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Color image of a frozen prairie with distant bison herd, 2014. From the photograph collection of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Frozen prairie with distant bison herd

Frozen prairie with distant bison herd, 2014. From the photograph collection of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.


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