Classroom in Redby Elementary School, Red Lake Reservation, ca. 1953. Photograph by Hakkerup Studio.

Redby Elementary School at Red Lake

Classroom in Redby Elementary School, Red Lake Indian Reservation, ca. 1953. Photograph by Hakkerup Studio.

Teachers strike, St. Paul, 1946. Photograph by Philip C. Dittes.

Teachers on strike in St. Paul

Teachers strike, St. Paul, 1946. Photograph by Philip C. Dittes.

State Teachers College, Mankato, 1939. Photograph by the Minneapolis Star- Journal.

State Teachers College, Mankato

State Teachers College, Mankato, 1939. Photograph by the Minneapolis Star- Journal.

Members of the Board of Education in Hastings (Dakota County), 1927. Photograph by A. F. Raymond.

Members of the Board of Education, Hastings

Members of the Board of Education in Hastings (Dakota County), 1927. Photograph by A. F. Raymond.

Report card issued to eight-grade student Rosalie [sic] Weiss by the Gordon School in St. Paul for the 1918–1919 school year.

Gordon School report card

Report card issued to eight-grade student Rosalie [sic] Weiss by the Gordon School in St. Paul for the 1918–1919 school year.

The faculty of Plainview High School, Wabasha County, Minnesota, 1914.

Faculty of Plainview High School

The faculty of Plainview High School, Wabasha County, Minnesota, 1914.

Rural one-room schoolhouse, students, and teacher, ca. 1910. Photograph by John Runk.

Schoolhouse, students, and teacher

Rural one-room schoolhouse, students, and teacher, ca. 1910. Photograph by John Runk.

Desk used in School District 43 in Watonwan between 1889 and 1919.

Desk used in School District 43

Desk used in School District 43 in Watonwan between 1889 and 1919.

Teacher and students, Morris Indian School, ca. 1895. Included are B. LeVivash, Joe Northrup, and Joe Siehy. Photograph by R. E. Brandmo.

Teacher and students from Morris Indian School

Teacher and students, Morris Indian School, ca. 1895. Included are B. LeVivash, Joe Northrup, and Joe Siehy. Photograph by R. E. Brandmo.


Learning in the Land of Lakes: Minnesota’s Education History

The founders of the United States—anxious about the fragile republican experiment they’d embarked on—knew that the nation needed an educated citizenry. They did not know, however, how to get there. The American decision to educate its citizens at public expense was an idea as radical as the revolution itself. The story of public education in Minnesota, then, tells about the aspiration, invention, and development of a great national idea into a state-wide practice and about women’s key role in carrying out that great idea.


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