Charles Alfred Pillsbury

Charles Alfred Pillsbury

Charles Alfred Pillsbury in his office, c.1883, taken from Northwestern Miller, vol. 37: 77.

Pillsbury-related, Charles Alfred Pillsbury, reprint, unknown location

Pillsbury-related, Charles Alfred Pillsbury, reprint

Portrait of Charles Alfred Pillsbury, c.1880.

St. Anthony Falls Tunnel Collapse, October 5, 1869

On October 5, 1869, water seeped and then gushed into a tunnel underneath St. Anthony Falls creating an enormous whirlpool. The falls were nearly destroyed. It was years before the area was fully stabilized and the falls were again safe from collapse.

Hydroelectricity in Minneapolis, September 5, 1882

Centralized hydroelectric power came on for the first time in the United States in downtown Minneapolis on September 5, 1882. Minnesota Brush Electric Company produced the power, beating a similar effort in Appleton, Wisconsin, by twenty-five days.

Pillsbury, Charles Alfred (1842–1899)

Charles Alfred Pillsbury was one of Minnesota's most prominent millers. His Minneapolis company, Charles A. Pillsbury and Co., was among the largest milling firms in the world during the last decades of the nineteenth century.


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