A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Toro Motor Company farm machinery, ca. 1920–1925. Photograph by C. J. Hibbard.
Farmall tractor on the farm of Mike O'Boyle, St. Paul Park, 1938.
Farm in windbreak near Lamberton, Redwood County, 1936. Photograph by Napoleon Noel Nadeau.
A combination of cut worms and heat has destroyed the corn on this farm, six miles east of Appleton in Swift County, 1936.
Rural electrical transmission lines on the farm of Oscar Lindahl, Schaefer, Chisago County, 1931. Photograph by Norton & Peel.
Mainquist farm house, Rockford Township, Wright County, ca. 1920.
Farm abandoned after successive years of drought, possibly near Breckenridge in Wilkin County, 1939.
Oliver Farm Equipment, 3310 Como Avenue, Minneapolis, 1934.
Auction at Figura farm, Burnsville, 1938.
Farmers who braved the picket lines to reach the Minneapolis city produce market during the truckers' strike, 1934. Photograph by the Minneapolis Tribune.