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Ronning Ensilage Harvester

Minnesota Historical Society Press
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Ronning Ensilage Harvester (front)

Ronning Ensilage Harvester (front) patented by Andrean and Adolph Ronning of Minneapolis in 1915. Manufactured by the American Harvester Company, also of Minneapolis.

In many ways, Adolph Ronning was a typical Minnesota farm boy. One of nine children, he grew up on a farm near Boyd, in Lac qui Parle County, and graduated from Dawson High School in 1912. He took violin lessons in school, tinkered with his family's farm equipment, and used some of his free time to earn extra money.

But, unlike many rural teens, Ronning wasn't saving up for a set of wheels or a bus ticket to the big city. His earnings funded a patent application for his ensilage harvester, which he had started designing at age seven. He was nineteen years old when he and his brother Andrean filed the patent, and it was the first of dozens he was to receive throughout his life, all with the goal of making mechanical work easier and more efficient.

The ensilage harvester improved on standard practices for harvesting and storing crops. Its basic design, largely unmodified, is still used by agricultural implement companies worldwide. The Ronnings' machine cuts corn, grinds it into silage, and stores it in a side- or rear-drawn wagon as the field is harvested. When the wagon is full, it is detached from the harvester and pulled to a silo, where a mechanism propels the silage up and into the silo. Meanwhile, a second wagon is attached to the harvester so that the cutting and grinding can continue.

Adolph Ronning soon moved to Minneapolis, where he founded a company to make and sell ensilage harvesters and other machines, including a power road grader. In 1925, he sold his business to International American Harvester Company of Minneapolis. The following year, he sold some of his tractor patents to International Harvester, including one for what the company dubbed the "Farmall System of Horseless Farming." After that, he later recalled, "I had more time to myself." His inventiveness was seemingly boundless, and for a fifty-year period, beginning in 1913, Ronning had a continuous succession of patents pending. His brainstorms ranged from headlight dimmers to tractor-powered golf course mowers (sold to Toro Corporation) to a stick power control for army tanks.

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© Minnesota Historical Society
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"The Adolph Ronning Collection, Volume One: The Ensilage Harvester and Farmall System." Firestorm Films, 2002. DVD.

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Ronning Ensilage Harvester (front)
Ronning Ensilage Harvester (front)
Ronning Ensilage Harvester (front)

Ronning Ensilage Harvester (front) patented by Andrean and Adolph Ronning of Minneapolis in 1915. Manufactured by the American Harvester Company, also of Minneapolis.

Minnesota Historical Society
Minnesota Historical Society
All rights reserved
Ronning Ensilage Harvester (side)
Ronning Ensilage Harvester (side)
Ronning Ensilage Harvester (side)

Ronning Ensilage Harvester (side) patented by Andrean and Adolph Ronning of Minneapolis in 1915. Manufactured by the American Harvester Company, also of Minneapolis.

Minnesota Historical Society
Minnesota Historical Society
All rights reserved
Ronning road planer prototype
Ronning road planer prototype
Ronning road planer prototype

Ronning road planer prototype, undated.

Minnesota Historical Society

Turning Point

In July 1913, Adolph Ronning and his brother Andrean apply to patent the Ronning Ensilage Harvester, an implement that streamlines modern farm work.



Farm boy Adolph Ronning graduates from Dawson High School near Boyd, Minnesota.


Adolph Ronning and his brother Andrean apply in July to patent the ensilage harvester.


The Ronning brothers are awarded the ensilage harvester patent in November and file to incorporate their business, Ronning Machinery Company, which is later known by other names.


Adolph Ronning sells his business to International American Harvester Company of Minneapolis.