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Minnesota State Horticultural Society

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Black and white photograph of attendees at a December annual meeting in the Minnesota State Horticultural Society’s early years, ca. 1890s.

Attendees at a December annual meeting in the Minnesota State Horticultural Society’s early years, ca. 1890s.

The year 2016 marked the 150th anniversary of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society. In its early years, the society was a small, male-dominated organization focused on fruit production. Its mission shifted to become more educational as members taught each other, and the public, how to use plants to enhance their environments.

In 1866, John Harris from La Crescent displayed twenty varieties of apples at the Minnesota State Fair, held in Rochester. His successful apple crop followed many attempts by growers to develop hardy apples and other fruit that would survive the state’s harsh winter.

During the fair, the growers formed the Minnesota Fruit Growers Association. They set one-dollar annual membership dues and elected Daniel A. Robertson of St. Paul as their president. The organization’s name changed to the Minnesota Horticultural Society in 1868. Gradually, the society’s focus began to evolve from fruit to broader horticultural interests.

In 1873, the organization’s name changed again to the Minnesota State Horticultural Society (MSHS). With legislative funding, MSHS began publishing the Minnesota Horticulturist in 1894. In 2000, the magazine’s name changed to the Northern Gardener, and it became the longest-published magazine in Minnesota.

Topics of discussion during the early years were much the same as they are 150 years later. Members met to talk about soils, mulches, frost and winter damage to crops, varieties grown, pruning, crop yields, wind protection, and grafting. At an 1886 convention, one discussion focused on the challenging climate of Minnesota, with its temperature variation of 139 degrees. One speaker pointed out its similarity to that of central Russia, where a variety of apples and other fruit were successfully grown.

Early in its history, MSHS collaborated with the state legislature and emergent University of Minnesota to develop and promote horticulture throughout the state. In 1878, the legislature provided $2,000 to purchase 116 acres for growing hardy hybrid apple and other fruit trees. In 1907, the legislature appropriated $16,000 to purchase a fruit-breeding farm for the University of Minnesota with the approval and ongoing oversight of MSHS.

A 1915 brochure listed the following benefits of MSHS membership. They included a 536 page-book titled Trees, Fruits, and Flowers of Minnesota and a forty-page monthly copy of the Minnesota Horticulturist. Members also received several new fruit trees or plants every year. At the time, a lifetime membership was ten dollars.

The annual plant membership benefit continued until 1948, when the mailing costs incurred by sending plants to thousands of members ended the program. Over the years, the program aided in expanding membership and testing new plant varieties in all areas and hardiness zones of the state.

In the 1920s, MSHS membership grew to include amateur gardeners and garden societies. By 1959, it grew to 11,486 individuals and over 450 societies. These included florists; greenhouse, vegetable, and fruit growers; nurserymen; and homeowners.

World War II prompted the government and MSHS to promote victory gardens to grow vegetables in home gardens to help address local food shortages and malnutrition. In 1942, an article by E. M. Hunt in the Minnesota Horticulturist reported that the government asked Minnesota citizens to plant 194,900 home gardens, an increase of 34,000 from the prior year.

In 1955, an increased interest in ornamental plant material led the Society to help raise funds for an arboretum. In 1958, the Society’s donation of 160 acres and $25,000 to the University of Minnesota, along with a promise of on-going support, contributed to the development of the University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum in Chaska.

Since 1989, the Minnesota Green program has coordinated donations of plant materials and tools to support a variety of community projects, including vegetable gardens and efforts to beautify public spaces.

In 2008, the Garden-in-a-Box program began supplying garden kits, knowledge, and resources to communities so that low-income families and children could learn how to grow vegetables in a raised bed.

In addition to the community programs, the Society offers classes and participates in home and garden shows. It also exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair, trains flower show judges, provides speakers on horticulture-related topics, and offers travel tours. Through the years, the society’s focus changed as the population became more urban and interests expanded to growing vegetables, lawns, shrubs, native plants, pollinators, and organic crops.

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“125 Years of Horticulture in Minnesota.” Minnesota Horticulturist 119, no. 7 (August–September, 1991): 18–27.

Alderman, W. H. “A Century of Minnesota Horticulture.” Minnesota Horticulturist 94, no. 7 (October 1966): 104–105.

——— . “History of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society, Part I: Early History—The Formative Years—Growth and Transition.” Minnesota Horticulturist 94, no. 1 (February 1966): 8–13.

——— . “History of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society, Part II: The Garden Club Era—Women in the Society—Cooperation with the University of Minnesota.” Minnesota Horticulturist 94, no. 2 (March 1966): 24–27.

Becklund, Mrs. Charles. “Mrs. Verl Nicholson: State Society’s First Woman President.” Minnesota Horticulturist 103, no. 8 (December 1975–January 1976): 200.

Hanson, Mrs. Harold. “In Memoriam: Dagmar Nicholson.” Minnesota Horticulturist 109, no. 8 (October– November 1981): 255.

Hunt, E. M. “The Victory Garden Plan.” Minnesota Horticulturist 70, no. 2 (February 1942): 23–24.

Mackintosh, R. S. “The Society Medal.” Minnesota Horticulturist 55, no. 6 (June 1927): 1.

“Membership Premiums to be Discontinued.” Minnesota Horticulturist 75, no. 8 (October 1947): 121.

“Memoirs of Minnesota Horticulture.” Minnesota Horticulturist 106, no. 1 (January 1978): 14–15.

Minnesota State Horticultural Society. History of the Minnesota Horticultural Society from the First Meeting held at Rochester in 1866 to the Last at St. Paul in 1873: Comprising debates, addresses, essays, and reports. St. Paul: Office of the St. Paul Press Company, 1873.

Minnesota State Horticultural Society. Transactions of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society Proceeds, 1874–1879. St. Paul: Office of the St. Paul Press Company, 1874.

Minnesota State Horticultural Society. Annual Report of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society 1894 Embracing the Transactions of the Society from January 13, 1893 to January 8, 1895 including the Twelve Numbers of the “The Minnesota Horticulturist” for 1894. Vol. 22. Minneapolis: Harrison and Smith, State Printers, 1894.

Minnesota State Horticultural Society.

Minnesota State Horticultural Society. 150th Anniversary Display, 2016.

Minnesota State Horticultural Society. 2015 Annual Report, July 1, 2014–June 30, 2015.

Minnesota State Horticultural Society. Spring Garden Gala Program, April 1, 2016.

Minnesota State Horticultural Society. Membership Brochure, 1915.

Minnesota State Legislature, 1878, General Laws, Chapter 82, Sections 1-4, pp.128–129. An Act in Relation to the Encouragement of Fruit Culture in This State.

Minnesota State Legislature, 1907, General Laws, Chapter 334, Sections 1-4, pp.457-458. An Act Providing a Fruit Breeding Farm for the University of the State of Minnesota.

Schier, Mary Lahr. “MSHS Celebrating 150 Years!” Northern Gardener 144, no. 5 (September–October 2016): 20–23.

United States Department of Agriculture. Census of Agriculture Historical Archive.

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Black and white photograph of attendees at a December annual meeting in the Minnesota State Horticultural Society’s early years, ca. 1890s.
Black and white photograph of attendees at a December annual meeting in the Minnesota State Horticultural Society’s early years, ca. 1890s.

Attendees at a December annual meeting in the Minnesota State Horticultural Society’s early years, ca. 1890s.

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William Mackintosh, father of R. S. Mackintosh, in his melon patch, 1894.

Minnesota State Horticultural Society, Roseville, MN
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Minnesota Historical Society
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Minnesota State Horticultural Society, Roseville, MN
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Minnesota Historical Society
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Minnesota State Horticultural Society, Roseville, MN
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Minnesota State Horticultural Society, Roseville, MN
Minnesota State Horticultural Society
All rights reserved
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Minnesota State Horticultural Society
All rights reserved
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Private Collection of Mary Laine
Mary Laine
All rights reserved

Turning Point

In 1874, women become voting members of the society, beginning its evolution from an all-male membership in 1866 to one that was 86 percent female in 2016.



John Harris from La Crescent displays his apple crop at the State Fair in Rochester. The successful crop prompts the formation of the Minnesota Fruit Growers Association and disproves Horace Greeley, who said apples could not grow in Minnesota’s climate.


The organization’s name changes from the Minnesota Fruit Growers Association to the Minnesota Horticultural Society. J. R. Drake of Northfield grows Red Astrachan, Duchess, Fameuse, and Perry Russet apples. He uses manure mulch and prunes lightly in June.


The organization’s name changes to Minnesota State Horticultural Society (MSHS). The Society recommends white elm, box elder, rock maple, soft maple, butternut, walnut, and hackberry as shade trees and mountain ash as an ornamental.


Women become voting members of the Horticultural Society. They become active as exhibitors, judges, and officials at shows and write many significant horticulture articles in the Society’s publications.


With support from the Society, the legislature approves establishing a fruit-experiment station near Minnetonka. Charles Haralson is the first superintendent. The Haralson apple is named after him.


Society hires A. W. Latham as its first executive secretary. He serves for nearly thirty years and works in the Society’s office in the Kasota building in Minneapolis. The Latham raspberry bears his name.


M. W. Cook, of Rochester, grows eight to ten acres of strawberries, seven of blackberries, and ten of raspberries. C. W. Sampson, of Eureka, grows 2,000 bushels of blackberries on ten acres that sell for $5500.


The World’s Fair in Chicago includes an agriculture exhibit from Minnesota that the Minneapolis Journal declares a pomological triumph.


The Society begins publication of its monthly magazine, the Minnesota Horticulturist. There are 505 members.

ca. 1920s

The Society changes its focus from commercial fruit production to home gardeners and ornamental plants.


The Society votes to create a medal to promote horticulture and honor service to the Society. Profits from the National Peony Show provide initial funding. Four years later, A.W. Latham receives the first medal.


Census figures confirm the success of apple and raspberry production: Hennepin County, 47,690 apple trees; Houston, 41,107; Carver, 37,538; Fillmore, 22,882; Rice, 20,194. There are 897 acres of raspberries in Hennepin County and 260 in St. Louis County.


Verl E. Nicholson (Dagmar or “Nick”) of Duluth becomes the Society’s first female president. She organizes garden activities in Duluth and statewide. She writes a newspaper garden column, starts a radio garden program on KDAL, and judges flower shows.


The society forms a partnership to raise funds to establish a landscape arboretum in Chaska. Two years later, it donates 160 acres and $25,000 to the University of Minnesota to establish the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.


The name of the society’s magazine changes to the Northern Gardener. The new bi-monthly publication focuses on gardening in the northern climate USDA hardiness zones of three, four, and five.


The society celebrates its 150th anniversary. Membership increases to over 12,000 with 86 percent women.