Ruins of Washburn A Mill after explosion, Minneapolis

Ruins of Washburn A Mill after explosion, Minneapolis

Ruins of Washburn A Mill after explosion, Minneapolis. Photograph by Jacoby.

Ruins of Washburn A Mill and other mills after explosion

Ruins of Washburn A Mill and other mills after explosion

Ruins of Washburn A Mill and other mills after explosion, 1878.

Ruins of Washburn A Mill after explosion, Minneapolis

Ruins of Washburn A Mill after explosion, Minneapolis

Ruins of Washburn A Mill after explosion, Minneapolis, 1878. Photograph by Jacoby.

Ruins of Pettit, Zenith, and Galaxy Mills after the Washburn A Mill explosion, Minneapolis

Ruins of Pettit, Zenith, and Galaxy Mills after the Washburn A Mill explosion, Minneapolis

Ruins of Pettit, Zenith, and Galaxy Mills after the Washburn A Mill explosion, Minneapolis, 1878. Stereograph by Nowack & Chase.

Ruins of Washburn A Mill and other mills after explosion, Minneapolis

Ruins of Washburn A Mill and other mills after explosion, Minneapolis

Ruins of Washburn A Mill and other mills after explosion, Minneapolis, 1878. Photograph by Jacoby.

Ruins of Washburn A Mill after explosion, Minneapolis

Ruins of Washburn A Mill after explosion, Minneapolis

Ruins of Washburn A Mill after explosion, Minneapolis, 1878. Photograph by Jacoby.

Washburn A Mill, Minneapolis

Washburn A Mill, Minneapolis

Washburn A Mill, Minneapolis, rebuilt after the 1878 explosion, ca. 1882.

Ruins of Washburn A Mill, 1878

Ruins of Washburn A Mill, 1878

The ruins of Washburn A Mill in Minneapolis after flour dust sparked an explosion inside the building, 1878.

Lippincott, Carrie H. (1860–1941)

In 1887, Carrie H. Lippincott was a twenty-seven-year-old New Jersey native with an eighth-grade education. She moved to Minnesota, where she created a mail-order company focused on selling flower seeds to women. Lippincott established herself in her new home by practicing innovative marketing methods and developing what we might call today a personal brand, declaring herself “The Pioneer Seedswoman of America.”

Carrie H. Lippincott in her flower shop

Carrie H. Lippincott in her flower shop

Carrie H. Lippincott in her flower shop, 1922. Miss C. H. Lippincott seed company scrapbook, ca. 1893–ca. 1922, Sound and Visual Collection, Minnesota Historical Society.


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