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Republican Primary Election, 1918

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Burnquist campaign poster, 1918

Joseph A. A. Burnquist gubernatorial campaign poster, 1918.

The Nonpartisan League nominated Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. as its candidate to challenge Governor Joseph A. A. Burnquist in the June 1918 Republican primary. Although Burnquist prevailed and went on to win the general election in November, the bitter, often violent campaign transformed Minnesota politics.

Founded in 1915, the Nonpartisan League was an alliance of farmers that sought sweeping agricultural reforms, including state control of marketing facilities. Their strategy was to run candidates in the open primaries of established parties. After winning a sweeping victory in North Dakota in 1916, the NPL moved its headquarters to St. Paul and began organizing Minnesota farmers. In early 1918, the NPL held caucuses that led to the nomination of Lindbergh and a full slate of state-wide and local candidates.

The NPL chose a difficult time to make its move. When the United States declared war on Germany in April 1917, Twin Cities business groups lobbied the legislature to create the Minnesota Commission of Public Safety (MCPS) to govern the state during the war. The commission included the governor, the attorney general, and five men chosen by the governor. John McGee, a conservative former judge, became the dominant figure, pushing an agenda of “100 percent Americanism.” Under his leadership, the commission sought to curb unions and the NPL by branding them as disloyal.

To bolster its base of more than 50,000 farmer members, the NPL built a coalition with organized labor by supporting unions in the Twin Cities Streetcar Strike in late 1917. After the strike was broken by the transit company and the MCPS, Twin Cities unions felt betrayed by Burnquist and threw their support to Lindbergh.

Burnquist claimed that he would not campaign because of the war, but he addressed many patriotic rallies around the state. He focused on loyalty, which he said was the election’s only issue. Uniformed Minnesota Home Guard units often participated in these events. Burnquist never mentioned Lindbergh, nor any issue facing the state other than the danger of electing disloyal candidates.

Lindbergh campaigned on the NPL platform of economic democracy. He steadfastly supported the federal government after the declaration of war, but he had opposed the drift to war as a congressman and had also written Why Is Your Country at War, a book that argued that Wall Street bankers had dragged the country into war. Like the NPL, Lindbergh argued that if young men faced conscription, then wealth should be conscripted to finance the war. The MCPS and most newspapers painted Lindbergh as a socialist and a pro-German traitor.

Local MCPS officials, sheriffs, and city officials banned the NPL from campaigning in many parts of the state. Lindbergh, for example, was completely shut out from campaigning in Duluth. Where he could campaign, he was often threatened and harassed. County attorneys from three southern Minnesota counties brought sedition prosecutions against NPL leaders, and a week before the primary, Lindbergh himself was arrested for sedition.

The NPL’s signature campaign event was a massive car caravan decorated with Lindbergh banners that traveled around rural counties. When the farmers entered towns, banners were often torn off cars, leading to violent clashes between farmers and townspeople. On several occasions, Home Guard units were mobilized to thwart NPL campaigning.

Burnquist won the June 17 primary with 199,325 votes to Lindbergh’s 150,626. Turnout was high, and many Democrats crossed over to vote in the Republican primary. Lindbergh carried thirty counties, including all of the Red River Valley and most of the Minnesota River valley counties. Burnquist prevailed in the two tiers of southern Minnesota counties along the Iowa border, in the Iron Range, and in the Twin Cities and Duluth. Rural counties were deeply divided, as towns and villages tended to vote strongly for Burnquist while agricultural townships overwhelmingly went for Lindbergh. In the cities, Lindbergh had strong support in working-class wards. A majority of the NPL legislative candidates did well and appeared on the general election ballot in November.

The end of the primary was also the end of Minnesota’s progressive era. Moderately progressive professionals and businessmen, traumatized by the NPL and fearful of socialism, gravitated toward the conservative, big business wing of the Republican Party. The NPL, meanwhile, had assembled a new coalition of farmers, trade unionists, German Americans, and left-leaning progressives. In a few years, this coalition spawned the Farmer-Labor Party.

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Charles A. Lindbergh and family papers, 1808–1987
Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul
Description: Family papers and political correspondence of Charles A. Lindbergh Sr.

Chrislock, Carl H. The Progressive Era in Minnesota, 1899–1918. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1971.

——— . Watchdog of Loyalty: The Minnesota Commission of Public Safety During World War I. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1991.

Jenson, Carol E. “Loyalty as a Political Weapon: the 1918 Campaign in Minnesota.” Minnesota History 43, no. 2 (Summer 1972): 42–57.

Johnson, Frederick L. Patriotic Hearts: World War I Passion and Prejudice in a Minnesota County. Red Wing, MN: Goodhue County Historical Society, 2017.

Haines, Lynn, and Dora B. The Lindberghs. New York: Vanguard Press, 1931.

Larson, Bruce L. Lindbergh of Minnesota: A Political Biography. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973.

Lindbergh, Charles A. Why Is Your Country at War and What Happens to You After the War and Related Subjects. Washington, DC: National Capital Press, 1917.

——— . Your Country at War and What Happens to You After a War. Philadelphia: Dorrance & Company, 1934. (Reprint of above.)

Morlan, Robert L. Political Prairie Fire: The Nonpartisan League, 1915–1922. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1955, reprint 1985.

National Nonpartisan League papers, 1915–1927 (microfilm)
Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul
Description: Correspondence and miscellany, especially on the Non-Partisan League’s role in Minnesota.

Records of Governor J. A. A. Burnquist, 1915–1927 (bulk 1915–1921)
State Archives Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul
Description: Correspondence and other documents of the governor covering aspects of World War I, the Minnesota Commission of Public Safety, and the governor’s campaign of 1918.

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Burnquist campaign poster, 1918
Burnquist campaign poster, 1918
Burnquist campaign poster, 1918

Joseph A. A. Burnquist gubernatorial campaign poster, 1918.

Minnesota Historical Society
Minnesota Governor Joseph A. A. Burnquist
Joseph A. A. Burnquist
Joseph A. A. Burnquist

Minnesota Governor Joseph A. A. Burnquist. Photograph by Golling Studio, 1917. Forms part of Lee Brothers portrait collection.

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Minnesota Historical Society
Charles A. Lindbergh Sr.
Charles A. Lindbergh Sr.
Charles A. Lindbergh Sr.

Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. ca. 1918, the year in which he ran for governor as the Nonpartisan League's nominee.

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Black and white image of Charles A. Lindbergh featured on the cover of The Nonpartisan Leader, the NPL's official publication, 1918.

Charles A. Lindbergh featured on the cover of the Nonpartisan Leader, the Nonpartisan League's official publication, May 6, 1918.

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Effigy of Charles A. Lindbergh hanging in Stanton, c.1918.

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Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. speaking from a platform at a Nonpartisan League meeting in Cottonwood, ca. 1917.

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Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. at a Nonpartisan League meeting
Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. at a Nonpartisan League meeting
Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. at a Nonpartisan League meeting

Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. (holding the flag, at right) at a Nonpartisan League meeting in Thief River Falls, 1918.

Minnesota Historical Society
Public domain
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Black and white photograph of men tarred and feathered in Minnesota during 1918 campaign by anti-Nonpartisan Leaguers,  c.1918.

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Minnesota Historical Society
1918 campaign-event poster (St. Paul)
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Poster advertising an event in St. Paul related to the Republic primary election of 1918. Published by John J. Willinger Company, 1918.

Minnesota Historical Society
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Black and white photograph of Minnesota Commission of Public Safety members, c.1918.

Minnesota Commission of Public Safety members, c.1918.

Minnesota Historical Society
Public domain

Turning Point

At a March 1918 convention in St. Paul, the Nonpartisan League nominates Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. as its candidate to challenge incumbent governor Joseph A. A. Burnquist in the Republican Party’s June primary.



Arthur C. Townley and Alfred E. Bowen organize the Nonpartisan League in North Dakota.


At the sudden, unexpected death of Governor Winfield Hammond in December, Lieutenant Governor Joseph A. A. Burnquist becomes the nineteenth governor of Minnesota.


The Nonpartisan League wins a sweeping victory in North Dakota and begins an organizing drive in Minnesota.


After serving five terms, Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, a Little Falls Republican, decides not to run for reelection in Minnesota’s Sixth District.


Congress declares war on Germany on April 6.


Later in April, the Minnesota Legislature creates the Minnesota Commission of Public Safety to govern the state for the duration of the war.


In December, the NPL supports the striking transit workers in the Twin Cities, building a coalition of organized farmers and trade unionists.


Lindbergh publishes a book criticizing Wall Street and big industry for pushing the US into war with Germany for their private economic gain.


Burnquist rejects the invitation to speak at the NPL convention in March, branding the league as pro-German and disloyal. At the convention, the NPL nominates Lindbergh to challenge Burnquist in the Republican primary.


Burnquist campaigns by speaking only at patriotic rallies organized by local officials associated with the MCPS. The NPL is banned from campaigning in many counties and is harassed by sedition prosecutions and vigilante violence.


A week before the primary, Lindbergh is arrested for sedition in Martin County.


Burnquist wins the primary on June 17, although Lindbergh receives 43 percent of the vote.


In November, Burnquist is reelected, winning a three-candidate race with less than a majority.


The farmer-labor coalition sparked by the NPL wins its first statewide election when Henry Shipstead defeats incumbent US senator Frank Kellogg.