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International Institute of Minnesota

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Christmas Party at the International Institute, 1920

Christmas party at the International Institute’s first location at 584 Rice Street in St. Paul. The image was included in the 1921 annual report for the year of December 1919– December 1920. Photography by Brown’s Photo Studio, St. Paul. Used with the permission of the International Institute of Minnesota.

The International Institute in St. Paul opened on December 12, 1919. For one hundred years, it has helped meet the needs of immigrants, refugees, and asylees beginning their new lives in Minnesota.

The national Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) created the first International Institutes in the 1910s as service bureaus for foreign-born residents and new immigrants. Following World War I, the all-female staff and board of directors of the St. Paul Institute included Lorena Harrison, the organization’s executive secretary, and Bess Leuthold Beebe, the president of the board. The 1921 staff of four caseworkers spoke German, Italian, Norwegian, and Polish and served people from thirteen countries.

The institute’s services helped new Americans overcome barriers such as learning English, becoming citizens, and finding jobs. Caseworkers took people to appointments and made home visits. At the same time, the institute’s cultural programs helped encourage new and “old stock” Americans to share similarities and celebrate differences.

In the 1930s, the institute offered classes and programs at the downtown St. Paul YWCA and other sites. An Upper Levee site served Italians, and a West Side site served Mexicans. In 1931, Alice Lilliequist Sickels became the third executive secretary; she then began what became the Festival of Nations in 1932. A three-day “Homelands Exhibit” event that celebrated fifteen cultural groups was held at the YWCA on April 22–24 of that year.

On December 6, 1941, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. In March of 1942, the US government forced West Coast residents of Japanese descent into concentration camps. In response, the institute started the St. Paul Resettlement Committee in October of 1942. Committee members found jobs and housing for Japanese Americans who wanted to leave the camps and settle in St. Paul.

During World War II, institute caseworkers responded to community needs and expanded services to work with the Red Cross to find European family members. Citizenship classes filled with resident “aliens” eager to complete their citizenship process. After the war, the institute reached out to “war brides” married to US servicemen. These women needed cultural support and English classes.

In 1946, the institute moved into its own building at 183 West Kellogg Boulevard. It built up a large membership and offered many activities to bring different cultures together. In addition to monthly international lunches and dinners with guest speakers and film screenings, it offered classes in ethnic dance, folk arts, cooking, citizenship, English, and world languages.

From 1948‒1952, the institute expanded its services to help displaced people arriving from Eastern Europe. In 1956, the Hungarian “Freedom Fighters” came after a failed revolution. In the early 1960s, the institute served Cubans fleeing their country’s Communist revolution.

The institute moved into a building at 1694 Como Avenue in 1970. After the Vietnam War ended in 1975, 3,800 people came to Minnesota from Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam as legal refugees. In 1975, the Institute hired its first Vietnamese caseworker. By the following year, the institute’s main staff was eighteen people, and thirty teachers taught English to the new arrivals. From 1976 to 1980, the number of Hmong people living in Minnesota grew from zero to 10,000.

The Immigration Act of 1990 opened up resettlement from more countries and introduced new kinds of immigrant visas. This act guides immigration policy today and has brought an increased diversity to Minnesota. Meanwhile, the institute continued expanding services to help new Americans succeed. In 1990, it started a nursing-assistant job-training program to find better jobs for clients. In 1993, the first refugees from civil wars in Bosnia, Liberia, and Somalia came to Minnesota. The institute served 10 percent of Africans who resettled in the US in 1999.

In the 2000s, the institute served refugees fleeing conflicts all around the world. In 2001, refugee arrivals temporarily stopped after the 9/11 attacks. The institute resettled a record 2,316 people in 2004. More than half were Hmong from Wat Tham Krabok, a refugee camp at a Buddhist monastery that Thailand’s government had closed. At the same time, the institute started new programs to serve clients who needed college-readiness preparation.

As of 2019, the institute has resettled nearly 23,000 refugees and asylees to Minnesota since 1980. The institute annually serves clients from nearly 100 countries and continues to help new Americans overcome barriers to success in American life. More than fifty employees and many volunteers and interns work in the departments of Refugee Resettlement, Immigration, Employment, Job Training, English and Spanish Language Classes, College Readiness, and the Festival of Nations.

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International Institute of Minnesota
In-house organizational archives, St. Paul
Description: Annual reports, newsletters, and scrapbooks documenting the institute’s history.

IHRC 3257
International Institute of Minnesota records
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
Description: Records (ca. 1920–1971) of the International Institute of Minnesota include minutes of the membership Council and Board of Directors (on microfilm), administrative records, educational program information, department records, materials documenting group services and activities, special programs, projects, and publications, community and national contacts, publicity, music, travel literature, case files, correspondence, photographs, and miscellany.

Keremidchieva, Zornitsa D. “From International to National Engagement and Back: The YWCA’s Communicative Techniques of Americanisation in the Aftermath of World War I.” Women’s History Review 26 (2017): 280–295.

Sickels, Alice. Around the World in St. Paul. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1945.

Related Images

Christmas Party at the International Institute, 1920
Christmas Party at the International Institute, 1920
Christmas Party at the International Institute, 1920

Christmas party at the International Institute’s first location at 584 Rice Street in St. Paul. The image was included in the 1921 annual report for the year of December 1919– December 1920. Photography by Brown’s Photo Studio, St. Paul. Used with the permission of the International Institute of Minnesota.

International Institute of Minnesota
Public domain
Bess Leuthold Beebe
Bess Leuthold Beebe
Bess Leuthold Beebe

Bess Leuthold Beebe, president of the International Institute of Minnesota’s board of directors. Taken from the institute’s 1921 annual report. Used with the permission of the International Institute of Minnesota.

International Institute of Minnesota
1932 Peace Review
1932 Peace Review
1932 Peace Review

This December 4, 1932 event called the “Peace Review” was sponsored by the International Institute and held at the downtown St. Paul YWCA at 123 West Fifth Street. Used with the permission of the International Institute of Minnesota.
Holding location: International Institute of Minnesota

International Institute of Minnesota
English class at the St. Paul YWCA, 1938
English class at the St. Paul YWCA, 1938
English class at the St. Paul YWCA, 1938

Class photo of an English class at the International Institute. Caption from the St. Paul Pioneer Press: “Lou Ngew, left, Chin Yuk Hing, and Chin Yuk Cue are being taught reading by Miss Shirley Flatiage Institute English Instructor Oct. 3, 1938.” Photograph used with the permission of the St. Paul Pioneer Press.

International Institute of Minnesota
St. Paul Pioneer Press
All rights reserved
Citizenship class at the YWCA location of the International Institute, 1940
Citizenship class at the YWCA location of the International Institute, 1940
Citizenship class at the YWCA location of the International Institute, 1940

Free citizenship training class at the YWCA location of the International Institute in St. Paul. Roster taken from Pioneer Press article, “Free Citizenship Training Class at Intl. Inst, July 22, 1940. Pictured are (left to right): “Samuel Yep, Mrs Sofia Chistopean, Russian; Mr. Charles Nordun, Norse; Mrs. Anna Grasse, Hungarian; Miss Margaret Wichauff, German; Mr. Albert Johnson, instructor (from WPA staff); Mr. Anton Anderson, Swedish; Mrs. Mary Katzmark, Polish; Mrs. Olga Erickson, Swedish; Mrs. Mary Orsagna, Italian; Miss Katherine Reagan, Scotland; Mrs. Rose Serratore, Italian.” Photograph used with the permission of the St. Paul Pioneer Press.

International Institute of Minnesota
St. Paul Pioneer Press
All rights reserved
Alice Sickels book signing, December 1945.
Alice Sickels book signing, December 1945.
Alice Sickels book signing, December 1945.

Former International Institute in St. Paul Executive Secretary, Alice Lilliequist Sickels, signing copies of her book, Around the World in St. Paul. The book detailed the history of the International Institute in St. Paul starting the Festival of Nations. The event was the Folk Arts Fair held at the International Institute located in the downtown YWCA in St. Paul. Used with the permission of the International Institute of Minnesota.

International Institute of Minnesota
Overseas Bride Club Meeting
Overseas Bride Club Meeting
Overseas Bride Club Meeting

“Two members of the Overseas Brides Club practice making chicken soup with the help of a director of the Institute. It’s part of the program of making good citizens of immigrants coming to St. Paul…left to right, Mrs. J. W. Jorgenson (addresses omitted) director of the International Institute, lends a hand in cooking chicken soup for Mrs. E. G. Du Chene, while Mrs. Samuel L. Mac Kinney, reads on. Both of the brides are from France.” Photo and caption from “Home Countries Enemies, But Students Friendly,” November 8, 1947. Photograph used with the permission of the St. Paul Pioneer Press.

International Institute of Minnesota
St. Paul Pioneer Press
All rights reserved
International Institute, 1949
International Institute, 1949
International Institute, 1949

1949 photo of the International Institute in downtown St. Paul. The building at 183 W. Kellogg is the second building from the right, at the former intersection of Kellogg and Exchange Street. The Institute moved into the building in June of 1946. This is now the site of the St. Paul RiverCentre.

Minnesota Historical Society
Citizenship class, 1949
Citizenship class, 1949
Citizenship class, 1949

Small flags were given to students of the International Institute’s classes in English and American citizenship to be used on Thanksgiving. Pictured are George Semeniuk (left) from Ukraine, Elizabeth Stoerzle from Germany, Kathryn Ramsay from Finland, and Kathryn Simos, an instructor of the citizenship class. Photograph published in the St. Paul Pioneer Press on November 17, 1947. Used with the permission of the St. Paul Pioneer Press.

International Institute of Minnesota
International Institute Committee welcoming refugees in New York Harbor, 1952
International Institute Committee welcoming refugees in New York Harbor, 1952
International Institute Committee welcoming refugees in New York Harbor, 1952

St. Paul International Institute Board of Directors’ President, Katherine Skiles Klein (second from right, standing). Included in this group were five immigrants going to St. Paul: Max and Helena Kurzfield (Poland), Leontine Treastas, Marija Skutans, and Johannes Theodor Raestas (Latvia). Used with the permission of the International Institute of Minnesota.

International Institute of Minnesota
Storytelling at the International Institute
Storytelling at the International Institute
Storytelling at the International Institute

Storytelling session at the International Institute as part of a Danish folk dance party, December 11, 1959.

Minnesota Historical Society
International Institute, St. Paul
International Institute, St. Paul
International Institute, St. Paul

International Institute building at 183 W. Kellogg, St. Paul, 1970. This photo was taken before demolition to make way for the St. Paul Civic Center. Note the artistic rendering of a geranium in a pot on the corner of the building. The red geranium was called an “international flower” and was an important symbol to the International Institute in St. Paul. Photographer Lucy Jackson Habermann.

Minnesota Historical Society
International Institute of Minnesota building, 1973
International Institute of Minnesota building, 1973
International Institute of Minnesota building, 1973

International Institute of Minnesota building at 1694 Como Avenue in St. Paul; photographed in 1973. Used with the permission of the International Institute of Minnesota.

International Institute of Minnesota
Korean party at the International Institute in St. Paul, 1975

Korean dancers at the International Institute of Minnesota, 1694 Como Avenue, St. Paul, 1975. Used with the permission of the International Institute of Minnesota.

International Institute of Minnesota
Party potluck, 1976
Party potluck, 1976
Party potluck, 1976

Party and potluck held in 1976 at the International Institute in St. Paul. Used with the permission of the International Institute of Minnesota.

International Institute of Minnesota
Hmong students at a party, 1976
Hmong students at a party, 1976
Hmong students at a party, 1976

Hmong students wearing traditional clothes at a class party and potluck, 1976. Photo taken inside the International Institute of Minnesota in St. Paul. Used with the permission of the International Institute of Minnesota.

International Institute of Minnesota
Citizenship ceremony, 1979
Citizenship ceremony, 1979
Citizenship ceremony, 1979

Citizenship ceremony, 1979. Photo taken of International Institute of Minnesota clients and citizenship students at unknown location. Used with the permission of the International Institute of Minnesota.

International Institute of Minnesota
International Institute groundbreaking ceremony
International Institute groundbreaking ceremony
International Institute groundbreaking ceremony

1979 groundbreaking for the International Institute of Minnesota Nationality Cultural Center addition. Taken outside the International Institute of Minnesota at 1694 Como Avenue in St. Paul. Institute members are dressed in traditional costumes. In the center, with the shovel, is Gretchen Quie (then-Governor Quie’s wife), International Institute Board Member Earl Bell (left), and Board Member Edward Bruno (right). Used with the permission of the International Institute of Minnesota.

International Institute of Minnesota
International Institute administrative staff, 1994
International Institute administrative staff
International Institute administrative staff

Robert Hoyle (left), executive director; Jane Graupman, education director; Julie Bursik, staff attorney; John Borden, casework supervisor. Photo taken in the entryway to the International Institute of Minnesota in St. Paul. (Note: Robert Hoyle retired in 2005. John Borden was the Executive Director from 2005-2010, and Jane Graupman became executive director in 2010.) Used with the permission of the International Institute of Minnesota.

International Institute of Minnesota
Nursing assistants’ class graduation
Nursing assistants’ class graduation
Nursing assistants’ class graduation

Nursing assistants’ class graduation party, 2018. Students standing in back. English and Nursing Instructors sitting in front. Photo taken in the Hall of Nations at the International Institute of Minnesota in St. Paul. Used with the permission of the International Institute of Minnesota.

International Institute of Minnesota

Turning Point

In 1975, 3,800 people with the official designation of “refugee” come to Minnesota from Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. As a result, from 1976 to 1980 the Hmong population in Minnesota grows from zero to 10,000.



Edith Terry Bremer starts the first International Institute in New York City as part of the YWCA.

December 12, 1919

The International Institute opens in St. Paul at 584 Rice Street in a former saloon called Jake’s Place.


The International Institute moves to its second location in the basement of the YWCA at 123‒133 West Fifth Street in St. Paul.

April 22–24, 1932

Alice Lilliequist Sickels starts what will become the Festival of Nations with a three-day Homelands Exhibit held in the YWCA auditorium.

October 26, 1938

The International Institute, Inc., becomes an independent agency. It allows men to join the board and staff but remains located in the YWCA building.

June 1, 1946

The International Institute moves into a renovated building located at 183 West Kellogg Boulevard in St. Paul.

June 30, 1970

The International Institute purchases a building at 1694 Como Avenue in St. Paul.

March 9, 1972

The International Institute in St. Paul changes its name to the International Institute of Minnesota.

December 22, 1976

Minnesota Governor Wendell R. Anderson commends the International Institute of Minnesota for its outstanding contribution to the resettlement of Hmong refugees in the state.

November 1980

The International Institute dedicates the “Nationality Cultural Center” addition to its building. It includes a main floor “Hall of Nations” event space, a kitchen, and lower level “Folk Arts” rooms.

September 1990

The institute begins its first nursing-assistant training program for new Americans.


The institute becomes the only certified center in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota to administer the English and US citizenship tests.

February 2004

St. Paul Mayor Kelly dispatches a delegation to Thailand, including the institute’s associate director, John Borden, to visit a refugee camp the Thai government intends to close.

October 2011

The institute creates a regional anti-trafficking initiative for foreign-born survivors of sex and labor trafficking.

October 2013

The institute creates the Hospitality Careers pathway program to serve new American women with low-level English skills.