Trees in Cherokee Park

Trees in Cherokee Park

Trees in Cherokee Regional Park, St. Paul, October 21, 2023. Photograph by Emily Shepard. CC BY-SA 4.0

The memorial features a steel trellis inscribed with the names of twenty-five prominent Minnesota suffragists, including Alice Ames Winter, Marguerite Milton Wells, and Myrtle Cain. Photo by Linda A. Cameron.

Trellis in the Minnesota Woman Suffrage Memorial

The memorial features a steel trellis inscribed with the names of twenty-five prominent Minnesota suffragists, including Alice Ames Winter, Marguerite Milton Wells, and Myrtle Cain. Photo by Linda A. Cameron.

Tri-State marker at the junction of the states of Minnesota, Iowa, and South Dakota, looking north. The marker was erected in 1859. Photographed by William Lass on May 23, 1972.

Tri-State marker

Tri-State marker at the junction of the states of Minnesota, Iowa, and South Dakota, looking north. The marker was originally erected in 1859. Photographed by William Lass on June 29, 2009.

Trial-size box label for then-new Chocolate Malt-O-Meal, 1961. Used with the permission of Post Consumer Brands and Northfield Historical Society.

Trial-size box label for Chocolate Malt-O-Meal

Trial-size box label for then-new Chocolate Malt-O-Meal, 1961. Used with the permission of Post Consumer Brands and Northfield Historical Society.

Triangles (1993)

Triangles (1993)

Production photo of Triangles, part of the Walker Art Center’s Out There series, performed by Theater Mu during its 1992–1993 season. Triangles was written by Ed Bok Lee, Tom Le, and R. A. Shiomi, directed by Martha B. Johnson, and staged at the Southern Theater. Pictured are: drummer (name unknown) and (left to right): Ed Bok Lee, Tom Le, and Rick Shiomi. Photograph by Charissa Uemura.

Black and white photograph of the Tribune Building, Fourth Street and First Avenue South, Minneapolis, 1887.

Tribune Building, Fourth Street and First Avenue South, Minneapolis

The Tribune Building, 1887. The building housed the Svenska Folkets Tidning and was lost to a fire in 1889.

Black and white photograph of trolley track removal, Fourth and Wabasha, St. Paul, April 12, 1955.

Trolley track removal

Trolley track removal, Fourth and Wabasha, St. Paul, April 12, 1955.

Troops training in Stillwater

Troops training in Stillwater

World War I troops training in Stillwater, MN, 1917.

Trout fishing in the Whitewater River. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, ca. 2000s.

Trout fishing in the Whitewater River

Trout fishing in the Whitewater River. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, ca. 2000s.

Inside the Trout Lake Concentrator, Oliver’s large ore beneficiation plant located in the Canisteo District of the Mesabi Iron Range (Coleraine, Minnesota), ca. 1940.

Trout Lake Concentrator

Inside the Trout Lake Concentrator, Oliver’s large ore beneficiation plant located in the Canisteo District of the Mesabi Iron Range (Coleraine, Minnesota), ca. 1940.


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