Thorstein Veblen, 1901.

Thorstein Veblen

Thorstein Veblen, 1901.

Photograph of three Egekvist Bakery store clerks, 1947.

Three Egekvist Bakery store clerks

Egekvist Bakery store clerks Helen Broberg (left), Marian Lawrence (center), and Elvera Dahl (right), 1936. From the Minneapolis Newspaper Photograph Collection, Hennepin County Library Special Collections.

Black and white photograph of three generations of Hmong women (Mao Thao Yang, Mai Vang Thao, and Bo Thao), 1999.

Three generations of Hmong women (Mao Thao Yang, Mai Vang Thao, and Bo Thao)

Three generations of Hmong women (Mao Thao Yang, Mai Vang Thao, and Bo Thao), 1999.

Three members of the St. Paul School Police force

Three members of the St. Paul School Police force.

Three members of the school police; note their signs, badges, and Sam Browne belts, c.1933.

Three-M-ite sample collection, 1935. 3M’s first profitable product was Three-M-ite, a flexible sandpaper. Here, Three-M-ite was packaged as a sample so prospective buyers could see the product.

Three-M-ite sample collection

Three-M-ite sample collection, 1935. 3M’s first profitable product was Three-M-ite, a flexible sandpaper. Here, Three-M-ite was packaged as a sample so prospective buyers could see the product.

Black-and-white photograph of a three-story outhouse on State Street, c.1940.

Three-story outhouse on State Street

Three-story outhouse on State Street (St. Paul), c.1940.

Photograph of farmers and threshing machine, ca. 1900

Threshing near Le Center

Threshing near Le Center (Le Sueur County), ca. 1900. The colony of St. Henry, located west of Le Center in Le Sueur County, was the center of farming development by Romansh immigrants to Minnesota.

Black and white photograph of workers threshing on the James J. Hill farm, Northcote, c.1900. Photograph by A.H. Anderson.

Threshing on the James J. Hill farm, Northcote

Threshing on the James J. Hill farm, Northcote, c.1900. Photograph by A.H. Anderson.

Black and white photograph of a threshing scene at the Lockhart farm, Norman County, Minnesota, 1885. Photograph by: Mrs. C. P. Cahoon.

Threshing scene at the Lockhart farm, Norman County

Threshing scene at the Lockhart farm, Norman County, Minnesota, 1885. Photograph by Mrs. C. P. Cahoon.

Thunder Drums of Mu Daiko (1998)

Concert photo from Thunder Drums of Mu Daiko, performed by Mu Daiko in 1998. Adapted and directed by Zaraawar Mistry and staged at the Southern Theater. Pictured are (top level, left to right: Rick Shiomi, Sara Dejoras, Zaraawar Mistry) and (lower level, left to right): Jennifer Weir, Iris Shiraishi, and Lia Rivamonte. Photograph by Charissa Uemura.


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