A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Rensselaer Nelson in his fifties, ca. 1870s.
Rensselaer Nelson in his thirties. Photograph by Whitney’s Gallery ca. 1860s.
Rensselaer Nelson near the end of his career, ca. 1890s.
Black and white 8x10 photoprint of cars parked on the High bridge c.1915.
Repaired headstone at Pioneers and Soldiers Memorial Cemetery in Minneapolis, 2016. Photographed by Paul Nelson.
Workers repair the roof of Lakewood Chapel, 1953. Photograph by Norton & Peele.
Poster for a 1981 Replacements show at the 7th Street Entry in Minneapolis featuring a photograph by Greg Helgeson.
Poster for a 1983 Replacements show at Duffy's in Minneapolis designed by the band's drummer, Chris Mars.
Comp ticket to a Replacements show in Vancouver played on November 21, 1985. Gift of Peter Jesperson Archives.
Scene depicting an old J.R. Watkins wagon and salesman, c.1870.