Groundbreaking ceremony for the Columbus Memorial

Groundbreaking ceremony for the Columbus Memorial

Groundbreaking ceremony for the Columbus Memorial on the grounds of the Minnesota State Capitol, July 1931.

Black and white photograph of the groundbreaking ceremony for the Emanuel Cohen Center at 1701 Oak Park Avenue in Minneapolis, 1939.

Groundbreaking for the Emanuel Cohen Center, 1701 Oak Park Avenue, Minneapolis

Groundbreaking ceremony for the Emanuel Cohen Center at 1701 Oak Park Avenue in Minneapolis, 1939.

Black and white photograph of the groundbreaking ceremony for the Emanuel Cohen Center at 1701 Oak Park Avenue in Minneapolis, 1939.

Groundbreaking for the Emanuel Cohen Center, 1701 Oak Park Avenue, Minneapolis

Groundbreaking ceremony for the Emanuel Cohen Center at 1701 Oak Park Avenue in Minneapolis, 1939.

Groundswell button

Groundswell button

Groundswell farm activist group button, ca. 1985.

Groundswell farmer's rally, January 1985

Groundswell Rally for Family Farms, January 1985

A crowd of an estimated 10,000 people attended a Groundswell rally for family farm support at the state capitol on January 21,1985. Photo by Paul Battaglia.

Group at South Central Minnesota Pride

Group at South Central Minnesota Pride

A group at South Central Minnesota Pride. Photograph by Randy Stern, September 7, 2013.

Group in front of Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial

A group gathers in front of the Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial in Duluth, at the corner of North Second Avenue and East First Street. Photograph by Flickr user Fibonacci Blue, September 28, 2019.

Group next to memorial tree planted on Victory Memorial Drive

Group next to memorial tree planted on Victory Memorial Drive

Image from the 1921 Victory Memorial Drive dedication ceremony showing a group seated in front of a memorial tree. The trunk of the tree, a wooden cross, and a wreath can be seen at the left of the frame.

Group of children being escorted by School Police.

Group of children being escorted by School Police.

The safety patrol at work, c.1930.

Group of clergymen

Group of clergymen

John Ireland (center) with a group of clergymen, c.1905.


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