A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
1940 Charles Biederman sculpture. Painted wood and metal rods; 62½ x 48¾ x 10¾ in.
Construction of a stone building by CCC Company 2710, Gooseberry Falls, ca. 1938.
Construction of a new building for B'nai Abraham Congregation (later B'nai Emet Synagogue) at Ottawa Avenue and Highway 7, St. Louis Park, December 8, 1958.
Construction of B'nai Abraham synagogue in Virginia, 1909.
Construction of I-94 at the former intersection of Rondo and Fairview Avenues, September 1, 1967.
Construction of Jefferson Highway. Photograph by C. S. Burdsol, 1919.
Construction of Jefferson Highway in Anoka County, 1919.
Construction of Northwestern Bank Building, 620 Marquette Avenue, Minneapolis, 1929. Photograph by Norton & Peel.
KSTP-TV film footage (without sound) of the 1956 construction and opening of Southdale Mall, including scenes from the mall's finished interior.
Construction of the Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis, 1911.