Aparna Ramaswamy, co-artistic director of Ragamala Dance Company, in Minneapolis. Photograph by Ed Bock, 2015. Used with the permission of Ragamala Dance Company.
Plaque with a miniature Minnesota state flag and a chunk of moon rock embedded in Lucite. The flag was carried to the moon by the spacecraft America during the December 17–19, 1972, as part of the Apollo XVII mission. The rock is from the Taurus Littrow valley of the moon and technically known as "Sample 70017." This is a "Goodwill Moon Rock," one of which was presented to each state and 135 countries by President Nixon in 1973.
An apron sale organized by the Clara Barton Club at Westbrook's annual Hospital Days event. Apron sales, including baked and canned goods, sometimes netted over $1,000 per sale. From the Sentinel Tribune (Westbrook), 1983.