Photograph of Cora Best's Ice Axe

Cora Best's ice axe

Personalized ice axe used by Cora Johnstone Best. The blade is inscribed with her name. Axes of this type were used by early mountaineers to cut steps in ice and snow. The broken handle pictured here would have originally been approximately four feet long. Used with the permission of the photographer, Cheryl Jacklin-Piraino.

Photograph of Cora Best

Cora Johnstone Best

Cora Johnstone Best, ca. 1930.

Photograph of Cora Johnstone Best at Lake of the Hanging Glaciers

Cora Johnstone Best at Lake of the Hanging Glaciers

Cora Johnstone Best at Lake of the Hanging Glaciers, near Windermere, British Columbia, Canada. Photograph by Audrey Shippam, 1923.

Picture of Cora Johnstone Best lead-climbing an ice route

Cora Johnstone Best lead-climbing an ice route

Cora Johnstone Best lead-climbing an ice route in the Kootenay region of British Columbia, Canada, near Jumbo Mountain. Photograph by Audrey Shippam, ca. 1923.

Cora Johnstone Best’s autograph

Cora Johnstone Best’s autograph

Autograph of Cora Best that reads, “Yours ‘till the bears get me, Cora Johnstone Best.” Found on the interior of a Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies pamphlet, ca. 1924.

Black and white photograph of a combination of cut worms and heat has destroyed the corn on this farm, six miles east of Appleton in Swift County, 1936.

Corn destroyed by cut worms and heat

A combination of cut worms and heat has destroyed the corn on this farm, six miles east of Appleton in Swift County, 1936.

Corn huskers at the Minnesota Valley Canning Company, LeSueur

Corn huskers at the Minnesota Valley Canning Company, LeSueur

Corn husking at the canning plant, c.1950.

Corn laboratory, Northrup, King and Company, Minneapolis. Photograph by Norton & Peele, January 12, 1945.

Corn laboratory

Corn laboratory, Northrup, King and Company, Minneapolis. Photograph by Norton & Peele, January 12, 1945.

Corn stalk cutter in field. Photograph by Norton & Peel, April 28, 1950.

Corn stalk cutter

Corn stalk cutter in field. Photograph by Norton & Peel, April 28, 1950.

Corner Second Avenue and Pine Street, showing where buildings have been removed, Hibbing.

Corner Second Avenue and Pine Street, showing where buildings have been removed, Hibbing.

A photograph of a street in Hibbing showing vacant lots where houses had already been removed, 1920.


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