Sign at entrance to Neuhof Hutterian Brethren Colony

Sign at entrance to Neuhof Hutterian Brethren Colony

Sign at entrance to Neuhof Hutterian Brethren Colony. Photograph by Lisa Decker Wollmann, July 19, 2017.

Sign at Grand Portage trailhead

Sign at Grand Portage trailhead

Sign near the Grand Portage trailhead in Grand Portage, Minnesota. From 1731 to 1803, this 8.5-mile portage trail served as the linchpin of a fur trade route between Montreal and the Canadian Northwest. Photo by Jon Lurie, 2020.

Sign at the entrance of Cherokee Regional Park

Sign at the entrance of Cherokee Regional Park

Sign at the entrance of Cherokee Regional Park in St. Paul, October 21, 2023. Photograph by Emily Shepard. CC BY-NC 4.0

Sign for Yuen Faung Lo (John's Place) Chinese restaurant. The sign was carved in Canton, China, ca. 1914, and hung in John's Place, a Chinese restaurant in Minneapolis.

Sign for Yuen Faung Lo (John's Place) Chinese restaurant

Sign for Yuen Faung Lo (John's Place) Chinese restaurant. The sign was carved in Canton, China, ca. 1914, and hung in John's Place, a Chinese restaurant in Minneapolis.

A sign outside a business promoting a “yes” vote on the taconite amendment, 1964.

Sign in support of Taconite Amendment No. 1

A sign outside a business promoting a “yes” vote on the taconite amendment, 1964.

Color image of a commemorative sign erected in 1949 to mark the site of the Zierke family cabin, ca. 2010. Photograph by Dave Van Loh.

Sign marking site of Zierke family cabin

Commemorative sign erected in 1949 to mark the site of the Zierke family cabin, ca. 2010. Photograph by Dave Van Loh.

Color image of the sign marking the site of Fort Ripley, 2005.

Sign marking the site of Fort Ripley

Sign marking the site of Fort Ripley, 2005.

Sign marking the Voyageur’s Highway at Lake Saganaga

Sign marking the Voyageur’s Highway at Lake Saganaga

The Voyageur’s Highway memorialized on Lake Saganaga. This route, which spanned over 3000 miles from Montreal to the Pacific, was plied by voyageurs seeking advantages for their companies. By going to where the trappers lived, voyageurs sought to obtain furs before they could be sold to the competition. Some of the waterways along the Voyageur’s Highway include the St. Lawrence River, Lake Ontario, Lake Heron, Lake Superior, Pigeon River, Rainy River, Lake of the Woods, Winnipeg River, Lake Winnipeg, Cedar Lake, Saskatchewan River, Lake Athabasca, Slave River, and Great Slave Lake. Photo by Jon Lurie, 2020.

Black and white photograph of a sign on Highway 61 marking “Stickney’s Cabins & Store,” ca. 1940.

Sign on Highway 61 marking “Stickney’s Cabins & Store”

Sign on Highway 61 marking “Stickney’s Cabins & Store,” ca. 1940.

Color image of the sign on Carnegie Building, 120 North Ash Street, designed by Bert Keck, 2016.

Sign on the Carnegie Building in Crookston

Sign on Carnegie Building, 120 North Ash Street, designed by Bert Keck, 2016.


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