Science lab at Villa Maria Academy, Frontenac (Goodhue County)

Science lab at Villa Maria Academy, Frontenac (Goodhue County)

Students in a science class at Villa Maria Academy in Frontenac (Goodhue County), between 1943 and 1944.

Scientist with turtle

Scientist with turtle

A Science Museum of Minnesota scientist tracks a turtle at a pond. Photograph by Jeffrey Grosscup, ca. 1980s. Forms part of the Jeffrey Grosscup photograph collection at the Minnesota Historical Society.

Scotch Recording Tape, 1948. 3M produced recording tape under the Scotch brand. 3M’s contributions to the entertainment industry earned the company a technical Academy Award for improving sound recording for film.

Scotch Recording Tape

Scotch Recording Tape, 1948. 3M produced recording tape under the Scotch brand. 3M’s contributions to the entertainment industry earned the company a technical Academy Award for improving sound recording for film.

photograph of a scotch tape dispenser, circa 1960

Scotch-brand transparent tape

Roll of 3M Scotch-brand transparent tape, c.1960.

photograph of a red plaid scotch tape container

Scotch-tape container

Round steel container with red plaid decoration on removable lid for '1 ROLL/...SCOTCH/BRAND/Cellophane Tape/...', made by Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, St. Paul, Minnesota,1953–1963.

Scott Long cartoon satirizing Governor Wendell Anderson

Scott Long cartoon satirizing Governor Wendell Anderson

Cartoon by Scott Long, February 17, 1971, depicting Minnesota Governor Wendell Anderson. The drafted caption (above) reads, “Afternoon, ma’am! I’m working my way through the legislature…” Used in Dave Kenney and Thomas Saylor, Minnesota in the 70s (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2013), 18. From the political cartoons and related papers (1946–1980) of Scott Long, Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Scottish Americans from Minnesota

Scottish Americans from Minnesota

Scottish-Americans from Minnesota with the Minnesota Pipes & Drums on the steps of the State Capitol on the first Tartan Day celebration, 1999.

Scottish pipe bands at the Macalester College Scottish Country Fair

Scottish pipe bands at the Macalester College Scottish Country Fair

Massed pipe bands, Macalester College Scottish Country Fair, St. Paul, 2000.

Color image of the screen and proscenium, Grand Theater, 2005.

Screen and proscenium, Grand Theater

Screen and proscenium, Grand Theater, 2005.

Screenshot from the Apple II version of the Oregon Trail computer game, ca. 1980s. Photographed by Wikimedia Commons  user Bobamnertiopsis.

Screenshot from the Apple II version of the Oregon Trail computer game

Screenshot from the Apple II version of the Oregon Trail computer game, ca. 1980s. Photographed by Wikimedia Commons user Bobamnertiopsis.


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