Patent-model dust collector

Patent-model dust collector

Mahogany and tinned-iron patent model of a flour mill dust collector patented in 1879. The introduction of dust-collecting machines to flour factories greatly increased the safety of the milling process, preventing dust-ignited explosions like the one that destroyed Minneapolis' Washburn A Mill in 1878.



This photo shows a group shot of patients at Mudcura Sanitarium, c.1910.

Patients at Willmar State Hospital

Patients at Willmar State Hospital

Patients at Willmar State Hospital, 1940.

Patients dancing at the Children’s Preventorium

Patients dancing at the Children’s Preventorium

Patients dance the Charleston to live music at the Children’s Preventorium of Ramsey County. Photograph by the St. Paul Daily News, ca. 1930.

Patients in a day room

Patients in a day room

Patients in a day room at Cambridge State Hospital’s Boswell Hall, 1970s. From a collection of photographs used as evidence in Welsch v. Likins, 1973.

Patricia Staine (right) and Minnesota Representative Alicia Kozlowski

Patricia Staine (right) and Minnesota Representative Alicia Kozlowski

Patricia Staine (right) testifies before the Minnesota House of Representatives on February 14, 2023, during a hearing on a bill to amend the Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act (MIFPA). Representative Alicia Kozlowski (DFL-Duluth) sits at left. Copyright Minnesota House of Representatives; photo by Catherine Davis. Used with the permission of House Public Information Services.

Black and white newspaper image of Patrick. H. Southall. c.1917.

Patrick. H. Southall

Patrick. H. Southall was Second Lt. of Company D of the Sixteenth Battalion, Minnesota Home Guard. Image is from the St. Paul Appeal, March 31, 1917.

Patrons of Husbandry Badge, 1867.

Patrons of Husbandry Badge

Patrons of Husbandry Badge, 1867.

Patty Berg, of Minneapolis, ca. 1935. Berg was one of the founding members of the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) and is in the World Golf Hall of Fame.

Patty Berg

Patty Berg, of Minneapolis, ca. 1935. Berg was one of the founding members of the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) and is in the World Golf Hall of Fame.

Paul Basques with one of his murals

Paul Basques with one of his murals

Paul Basques with one of his murals painted on Neighborhood House (179 East Robie Street) on the West Side of St. Paul. From the Minneapolis Star Tribune, December 8, 1975, page 3B.


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