Color scan of a map of Fort Ripley as surveyed in 1874.

Map of Fort Ripley as surveyed in 1874

Map of Fort Ripley as surveyed in 1874, showing the ninety square miles of reservation land on the east side of the river and one square mile for the actual post on the west side. The sale of parcels on the east side in 1857, and subsequent annulment of the sale, created legal problems that took twenty years to untangle. (From 46 Congress, 2 session, Senate Reports, no. 196, serial 1893.)

This map shows where ginseng is found within the state. The data were gathered from Bell Museum Herbarium records.

Map of ginseng in Minnesota

Map showing where ginseng is found within the state. The data were gathered from the records of the Bell Museum Herbarium.

Map of Glacial Lake Agassiz 9,3000 years ago

Map of Glacial Lake Agassiz 9,3000 years ago

Map of the location of Glacial Lake Agassiz 9,3000 years ago. From David Mather’s “Grand Mound and the Muskrat: A Model of Ancient Cosmology on the Rainy River,” Minnesota History 64, no. 5 (Spring 2015), 201.

Map of Gooseberry Falls State Park

Map of Gooseberry Falls State Park

Map of Gooseberry Falls State Park created by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Parks and Recreation in 1964 and revised in 1978. From page 22 of Rolf T. Anderson's National Register of Historic Places nomination form, September 1989, National Archives, Washington, DC.

Map of Gooseberry Falls State Park Historic District

Map of Gooseberry Falls State Park Historic District

Map of Gooseberry Falls State Park Historic District. From page 21 of Rolf T. Anderson's National Register of Historic Places nomination form, September 1989, National Archives, Washington, DC.

Map of the Gunflint Trail, also known as Cook County Road 12, across northeastern Minnesota. The trail starts in Grand Marais and extends for 57 miles to Saganaga Lake. The map was created by Wikimedia Commons user Fredddie [sic] on July 28, 2015. GNU free documentation license 1.2.

Map of Gunflint Trail/Cook County Road 12

Map of the Gunflint Trail, also known as Cook County Road 12, across northeastern Minnesota. The trail starts in Grand Marais and extends for 57 miles to Saganaga Lake. The map was created by Wikimedia Commons user Fredddie [sic] on July 28, 2015. GNU free documentation license 1.2.

Map showing the locations of the Vermillion, Mesabi, and Cuyuna Iron Ranges of Minnesota.

Map of Iron Ranges in Minnesota

Map showing the locations of the Vermillion, Mesabi, and Cuyuna Iron Ranges of Minnesota.

Lake Superior and its border lakes

Map of Lake Superior and its border lakes

Detail of a map of Lake Superior and its border lakes showing the location of Grand Portage. From Bruce White’s “Grand Portage as a Trading Post: Patterns of Trade at ‘The Great Carrying Place,’” a report prepared for the National Park Service (2005).

Map of land transfered by the Minnesota Historical Society to the Lower Sioux Indian Community in 2022

Map of land transfered by the Minnesota Historical Society to the Lower Sioux Indian Community in 2022

Map of land transferred by the Minnesota Historical Society to the Lower Sioux Indian Community in 2017.

Map of layout of Beltrami County Poor Farm

Map of layout of Beltrami County Poor Farm

Sanborn fire insurance map of the layout of the Beltrami County Poor Farm, 1914. Copied from an original map in the Library of Congress (certification #1369-45B0-9B70, Map Division, July 29, [19]55). Copy held in the Beltrami County Poor Farm records (State Archives, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul).


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