Black and white photograph of firefighters fighting the blaze at St. Paul's Temple of Aaron in 1952.

Temple of Aaron fire, 744 Ashland, St. Paul.

Firefighters fight the blaze at St. Paul's Temple of Aaron in 1952.

Temple of Aaron, 616 South Mississippi River Boulevard, St. Paul

Temple of Aaron, 616 South Mississippi River Boulevard, St. Paul

Photograph of Temple of Aaron's Mississippi River Boulevard building taken by C.J. Larson c.1956.

Black and white photograph of a temporary camp at Pipestone Quarry, ca. 1890s. Photograph by F.O. Pease.

Temporary camp at Pipestone Quarry

Temporary camp at Pipestone Quarry, ca. 1890. Photograph by F.O. Pease.

Black and white photograph of ten past BPWC presidents pose for a group photograph, 1961. From left to right: Gudvieg Norseth, Clara Berg, Belva Saugstad, Helen Espe, Clara Caouette, Frances Engebretson, Mae Rideout, Ruth Christenson, Ida Twedten, and Betty Ohman.

Ten BPWC presidents

Ten past BPWC presidents pose for a group photograph, 1961. From left to right: Gudvieg Norseth, Clara Berg, Belva Saugstad, Helen Espe, Clara Caouette, Frances Engebretson, Mae Rideout, Ruth Christenson, Ida Twedten, and Betty Ohman.

Tending Norway Pine seedlings at Carlos Avery Game Farm

Tending Norway Pine seedlings at Carlos Avery Game Farm

Anoka Conservation District photograph of Norway Pine seedlings in their second year of growth in the Department of Natural Resource Nursery at Carlos Avery before lifting for sale to forestry cooperators. Julius Edwards, soil conservationist on left; Alex Gurtin, district forester, on right. Photograph was taken June 28, 1972, by USDA-Soil Conservation Service SCS-CART-164 Rev.7.90.

Black and white photograph of Tennessee Street during flood, 1952.

Tennessee Street during flood

Tennessee Street during flood, 1952.

Tennis court at Sherwood Forest Lodge in Gull Lake

Tennis court at Sherwood Forest Lodge in Gull Lake

Tennis court at Ruttger's Sherwood Forest Lodge in Gull Lake, ca. 1937.

Tenth Avenue and Stone Arch Bridge, Minneapolis

Tenth Avenue and Stone Arch Bridge, Minneapolis

Panoramic view of the Stone Arch and Tenth Avenue bridges, c.1900.

Tenth Minnesota veteran officers

Tenth Minnesota veteran officers

Photograph of veteran officers of the Tenth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment taken in September of 1906.

Tenth Minnesota veterans

Tenth Minnesota veterans

Photograph of a group of Tenth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry veterans taken on September 6, 1905 by Edward Augustus Bromley.


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