Black and white photograph of the Philharmonic Society’s summer music camp where SPCO musicians provided hands-on instruction, ca. 1960s.

Philharmonic Society’s summer music camp

Philharmonic Society’s summer music camp where SPCO musicians provided hands-on instruction, ca. 1960s.

Black and white photograph of Philip Pillsbury, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Art Linkletter sampling Theodora Smafield’s winning recipe, 1949.

Philip Pillsbury, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Art Linkletter sample Theodora Smafield’s winning recipe

Philip Pillsbury, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Art Linkletter sample Theodora Smafield’s winning recipe, 1949.

Phillipe Cunningham

Phillipe Cunningham

Minneapolis City Council member Phillipe Cunningham (Ward 4), January 8, 2018. Photo by Flickr user Tony Webster, CC BY-SA 2.0.

Black and white photograph of the Phyllis Wheatley House diamond ball team, summer 1926. Ethel Ray (later Ethel Ray Nance) stands at the far left.

Phyllis Wheatley House diamond ball team

Phyllis Wheatley House diamond ball team, summer 1926. Ethel Ray (later Ethel Ray Nance) stands at the far left.

Black and white photograph of a Phyllis Wheatley House Health Program, ca. 1935.

Phyllis Wheatley House Health Program

Phyllis Wheatley House Health Program, ca. 1935.

Longtime house pianist and music director Richard Dworsky plays during a live broadcast of A Prairie Home Companion at Macalester College in St. Paul, July 2015. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user Jonathunder.

Pianist and music director Richard Dworsky

Longtime house pianist and music director Richard Dworsky plays during a live broadcast of A Prairie Home Companion at Macalester College in St. Paul, July 2015. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user Jonathunder.

Nerstrand Big Woods State Park picnic grounds, undated. This area was logged in the 1930s. Used with the permission of Rice County Historical Society.

Picnic grounds in Nerstrand Big Woods State Park

Nerstrand Big Woods State Park picnic grounds, undated. This area was logged in the 1930s. Used with the permission of Rice County Historical Society.

The picnic shelter at CCC Camp Rabideau F-50. Photo by Jerry Mathiason, 1994. From box 1 (144.G.8.4F) of Historic American Buildings Survey records related to Minnesota structures, 1882-2001, 1883. Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Picnic shelter at Camp Rabideau

The picnic shelter at CCC Camp Rabideau F-50. Photo by Jerry Mathiason, 1994. From box 1 (144.G.8.4F) of Historic American Buildings Survey records related to Minnesota structures, 1882-2001, 1883. Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Picnic shelter in Franz Jevne State Park

Picnic shelter in Franz Jevne State Park

Picnic shelter in Franz Jevne State Park. Photo by Marjorie Savage, 2021. Used with the permission of Marjorie Savage.

Color image of a picnic shelter in Lake Vermilion–Soudan Underground Mine State Park. Photograph by Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Staff, May 22, 2014.

Picnic shelter in Lake Vermilion–Soudan Underground Mine State Park

Picnic shelter in Lake Vermilion–Soudan Underground Mine State Park. Photograph by Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Staff, May 22, 2014.


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