Osmund Osmundson grave marker, Valley Grove. Photo taken in 2019.

Osmund Osmundson grave marker

Osmund Osmundson grave marker, Valley Grove. Photo taken in 2019.

Osmund Osmundson home built in 1880, Nerstrand. Photo taken in 2019.

Osmundson house

Osmund Osmundson home built in 1880, Nerstrand. Photo taken in 2019.

Otter Tail County Fair, 1921

Otter Tail County Fair, 1921

“Old settlers” of Otter Tail County at the fairgrounds in Fergus Falls, July 7, 1921. Prince Honeycutt leans on his cane at center. Used with the permission of Otter Tail County Historical Society.

Otter Tail County Holstein Breeders Association banquet

Otter Tail County Holstein Breeders Association banquet

The Otter Tail County Holstein Breeders Association banquet at the Grand Hotel in Fergus Falls, 1915. The hotel was flattened by a cyclone in 1919. Otter Tail County Historical Society, Fergus Falls.

Black and white photograph of Otto Lugger, University of Minnesota professor, author, and State Entomologist, ca. 1895.

Otto Lugger

Otto Lugger, University of Minnesota professor, author, and State Entomologist, ca. 1895.

Our Home: Dakota Homeland

To Dakota people, many places in Minnesota are sacred. Our origin stories root us in these places. They teach us how to live with this land and to be good relatives.

Our Home: Ojibwe Homeland

From homes along the Atlantic Ocean, our ancestors trekked slowly westward. A prophecy led them to “the land where food grows on water.”

Black and white photograph of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 186 East Fairfield, c.1951.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 186 East Fairfield

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 186 East Fairfield, c.1951.

Black and white photograph of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 27 Prince Street, Minneapolis, 1936. Photograph by A. F. Raymond.

Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 1936

Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 27 Prince Street, Minneapolis, 1936. Photograph by A. F. Raymond.

Water color painting of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 27 Prince Street, Minneapolis, 1948.

Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 1948

Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 27 Prince Street, Minneapolis, 1948. Watercolor painting by Jo Lutz Rollins.


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