The cast of Ngalan Mo’y Pilipino (Your Name is Filipino), an original musical play presenting the forces and points of view that shaped Philippine history. Photograph by Ernesto Venegas and Luis Siojo, 1989. Used with the permission of Ernesto Venegas and Luis Siojo.
Nicholas Metcalf (Sicangu Lakota) holding his adopted son, Sonny (Hokšíčala Čhaŋté Ma Yuhá; Child of My Heart), on the cover of Gay Parent magazine, November/December 2002. Metcalf's Lakota name, Čhetáŋ Zi, means Yellow Hawk.
The Nicollet Hotel in downtown Minneapolis. In 1990 the hotel stood vacant and became the first site occupied by the Minneapolis chapter of Up and Out of Poverty Now! Photograph by Norton & Peel, 1965.