Black and white photograph of Dr. Moses Barron, c.1930.

Dr. Moses Barron

Dr. Moses Barron, c.1930. Barron was instrumental in founding Mount Sinai Hospital in Minneapolis.

Black and white photograph of Dr. O.D. Howard Sergeant in the Sixteenth Battalion of the Minnesota Home Guard and his grandson, Howard Maxwell, 1918.

Dr. Obadiah D. Howard, Sergeant in the Sixteenth Battalion of the Minnesota Home Guard, and his grandson

Dr. Obadiah D. Howard, Sergeant in the Sixteenth Battalion of the Minnesota Home Guard, and his grandson, Howard Maxwell, 1918.

Dr. Roland Dille and a student in his office

Dr. Roland Dille and a student in his office

Dr. Roland Dille with a student in his office, 1980s. Presidents’ papers, 1888–present, Photograph Collection. Minnesota State University Moorhead Archives, Moorhead. Used with the permission of Minnesota State University Moorhead.

Dr. Roland Dille at MacLean Hall

Dr. Roland Dille at MacLean Hall

Dr. Roland Dille stands at the front entrance of MacLean Hall at Minnesota State University Moorhead in 1993. Presidents’ papers, 1888–present, Photograph Collection, Minnesota State University Moorhead Archives, Moorhead. Used with the permission of Minnesota State University Moorhead.

Dr. Roland Dille at Moorhead State University’s commencement ceremony

Dr. Roland Dille at Moorhead State University’s commencement ceremony

Dr. Roland Dille at Moorhead State University’s commencement ceremony, May 25, 1984. Presidents’ papers, 1888–present, Photograph Collection. Minnesota State University Moorhead Archives, Moorhead. Used with the permission of Minnesota State University Moorhead.

Roland Dille with psychology professor Dr. James Condell

Dr. Roland Dille with psychology professor Dr. James Condell

Dr. Roland Dille (right) sings with psychology professor Dr. James Condell (left) at Minnesota State University Moorhead in the 1960s. Presidents’ papers, 1888–present, Photograph Collection, Minnesota State University Moorhead Archives. Used with the permission of Minnesota State University Moorhead.

Dr. Rolland Dille, dressed as Santa Claus, with a student

Dr. Rolland Dille, dressed as Santa Claus, with a student

Dr. Roland Dille, dressed as Santa Claus, sits with a student in Minnesota State University Moorhead's Comstock Memorial Union in the 1980s. Presidents’ papers, 1888–present, Photograph Collection. Minnesota State University Moorhead Archives, Moorhead. Used with the permission of Minnesota State University Moorhead.

Dr. Russell Heim, 1934.

Dr. Russell Heim

Dr. Russell Heim, 1934.

Poster calling for the election of Dr. Russell Heim as Hennepin County Coroner, 1934.

Dr. Russell Heim election poster

Poster calling for the election of Dr. Russell Heim as Hennepin County Coroner, 1934.

Dr. Russell Heim with a baby left at his office (12 West Lake St., Minneapolis), 1947. Photograph by Paul Siegel. Published in the Minneapolis Morning Tribune, October 31, 1941.

Dr. Russell Heim with baby

Dr. Russell Heim with a baby left at his office (12 West Lake St., Minneapolis), 1947. Photograph by Paul Siegel. Published in the Minneapolis Morning Tribune, October 31, 1941.


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