WARM Gallery inaugural exhibition poster

WARM Gallery inaugural exhibition poster

Poster advertising the inaugural exhibition and grand opening of WARM Gallery on April 10, 1976, at 414 First Avenue North, Minneapolis. From box 5 (152.F.1.1B) of the Women’s Art Registry of Minnesota (WARM) organizational records. Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

WARM Gallery poster

WARM Gallery poster

Poster produced by WARM Gallery, undated. From box 5 (152.F.1.1B) of the Women’s Art Registry of Minnesota (WARM) organizational records. Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Black and white photograph of Warren and Mary Amanda Braman, ca. 1880s–1890s. From the collection of CarrieJo Cowler.

Warren and Mary Amanda Braman

Warren and Mary Amanda Braman, ca. 1880s–1890s.

Black and white photograph of future chief justice Warren Burger, ca. 1936.

Warren Burger

Future chief justice Warren Burger, ca. 1936.

Black and white photograph of Warren Upham, 1916.

Warren Upham

Warren Upham, 1916.

Warwick "Perfection" safety bicycle

Warwick "Perfection" safety bicycle

Warwick "Perfection" safety bicycle, patented in 1888.

Color image of the Washburn A Mill ruins, 2016. Photograph by Paul Nelson.

Washburn A Mill ruins

Washburn A Mill ruins, 2016. Photograph by Paul Nelson.

Black and white photograph of the rebuilt Washburn A Mill, 1971.

Washburn A Mill, Minneapolis

The rebuilt Washburn A Mill, 1971.

Washburn A Mill, Minneapolis

Washburn A Mill, Minneapolis

Photograph of the Washburn A Mill, designed by William de la Barre, c.1882. Photographer: Henry R. Farr.

Washburn Crosby Flour Mills

Washburn Crosby Flour Mills

Washburn Crosby Flour Mills, Minneapolis, ca. 1890.


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