The Chase family (Ernest Wabasha’s mother’s family). Back row (left to right): Father Joe Jesse Chase; Emma Chase; Henry B. (Hank) Wabasha; and Helen (Florence) Chase (married to Henry). Center: Olive Chase. Front row: Mother Martha Adelaide Wakute Chase holding Tommy; Helena; Jeanette; and Grandmother Jenny Wakute (Martha’s mother). Joe Jr. is seated in the front at center. Undated. Used with the permission of Sue Moman Bowen.
Photograph of the children of Anton and Elizabeth Gág, c.1905. Back row (left to right): Stella, Debli, Wanda. Front row (left to right): Howard, Asta, Nelda.
The Des Moines River at Island Park in Windom, ca. 1955. In 1957, the river provided inspiration for switching the name of the annual community celebration from Flax Day to River Days.
The Eighth Minnesota was mounted during Sully's expedition. Here they fight dismounted at the battle of Killdeer Mountain, July 28, 1864. Every fourth man is positioned in the rear as a horse holder. Oil on canvas painting by Carl Ludwig Boeckmann, c.1910.