Anti-Bolshevik cartoon

Anti-Bolshevik cartoon

Anti-Bolshevik cartoon printed in America First 1, no. 3 (Summer 1919).

Anti-Carter-Mondale campaign button

Anti-Carter-Mondale campaign button

Pinback button mocking the Carter–Mondale presidential campaign, 1976.

Anti-conference flyer

Anti-conference flyer

Flyer distributed prior to, and potentially at, the AIDS conference sponsored by the Berean League and held at St. Paul’s Civic Center on November 7, 1987. The flyer was created by a coalition of gay and lesbian groups that organized a rally to protest the conference. From box 22 (147.A.13.5B) of the Minnesota GLBT Movement papers, 1964—2019, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Black and white anti-I.W.W. cartoon printed in the Duluth News Tribune on July 1, 1916.

Anti-I.W.W. cartoon

Anti-I.W.W. cartoon printed in the Duluth News Tribune on July 1, 1916. Cartoon is from Betten, Neil. “Riot, Revolution, Repression in the Iron Range Strike of 1916.” Minnesota History 41, no. 2 (1968): 82–94.

Black and white photograph of Anti-pornography activists at Chicago Avenue and Lake Street, c.1980.

Anti-pornography activists at Chicago Avenue and Lake Street

Activists from the Powderhorn and Central neighborhoods of Minneapolis continued their fight against the Alexander brothers into the early 1980s, despite a series of unfavorable legal decisions. This image shows Richard Buske, Linda Wejcman, Douglas Hicks, Nancy Benson, and Vernon Wetternach on the corner of Chicago Avenue and Lake Street on January 29, 1981. Photograph taken by Art Hager of the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Source: Minneapolis and St Paul newspaper negatives collection, Minnesota Historical Society.

Black and white photograph of anti-pornography activists on Lake Street, 1979.

Anti-pornography activists on Lake Street

Linda Wejcman, Liz Anderson, Cathy Blacer, Jacqui Thompson, and Becky Anderson on Lake Street. Photographed by Meg McKinney on July 28, 1979, for the Minneapolis Tribune. Used with the permission of Sandy Date and the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

Black and white photograph of a Anti-pornography protest on Lake Street, 1984.

Anti-pornography protest on Lake Street

The Minneapolis mayor's veto of the ordinance amendment in January, 1983, did little to quell debate on this subject. Protests in the Lake Street pornography district intensified during 1984 as the city's Task Force on Pornography deliberated. Feminists organized regular actions against the Rialto Theater, which was located at Chicago Avenue and Lake Street. They staged a "porn dump" on the steps of City Hall and establish the Pornography Resource Center on Lake Street. A photographer for the St. Paul Pioneer Press, Liz Hafalia, documented one of these protests. Forty women picketed the street and tried to intimidate would-be customers from entering bookstores and movie theaters. This image was published in the St. Paul Pioneer Press on November 10, 1984. Source: Minneapolis and St Paul newspaper negatives collection, Minnesota Historical Society.

Anti-power-line button made by Continental Press Inc. of St. Cloud, ca. 1975–1987.

Anti-power-line button

Anti-power-line button made by Continental Press Inc. of St. Cloud, ca. 1975–1987.

Anti-power-line rally poster

Anti-powerline rally poster

A poster advertising an anti-power-line march (1978). Used with the permission of the Pope County Historical Society.

Anti-Saloon League button

Anti-Saloon League 16th National Convention delegate button with attached ribbons. The button's face reads: "16th National convention. Anti-Saloon League of America. Atlantic City, July 6-9, 1915. / A Stainless Flag / A Saloonless Country".


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