Barberry eradication crew, ca. 1930s.The Barberry Eradication Program took advantage of government work relief programs during the era of the Great Depression.

Barberry eradication crew

Barberry eradication crew, ca. 1930s.The Barberry Eradication Program took advantage of government work relief programs during the era of the Great Depression.

photograph of a train in a clay pit, filled with clay

Barclay workers at Zumbrota

A Barclay Brick and Tile Company locomotive pulls three railcars filled with clay from the Zumbrota factory's pit.

Cover of Max Shulman’s Barefoot Boy With Cheek (Doubleday, Doran, 1943).

Barefoot Boy With Cheek

Cover of Max Shulman’s Barefoot Boy With Cheek (Doubleday, Doran, 1943).

Photograph of barkin (bar-kin; traditional Somali headrest)

Barkin (bar-kin; traditional Somali headrest)

Barkin (bar-kin; traditional Somali headrest). Photograph by Nikki Tundel, 2016.

Barn and gamekeeper’s house at Carlos Avery Game Farm

Barn and gamekeeper’s house at Carlos Avery Game Farm

Construction of the barn and gamekeeper's house, Carlos Avery Game Farm, 1936.

Veblen barn, Nerstrand, Minnesota, ca. 1890.

Barn at Veblen Farmstead

Veblen barn, Nerstrand, Minnesota, ca. 1890.

photograph of people on the newly constructed stairway

Barn Bluff stairway

The newly completed Barn Bluff stairway, shown about 1929, provided hikers a safer trail to the summit. Construction for a 1960 highway bridge caused the destruction of this route but many of its stairs were saved. They became a part of a 1983 staircase to the bluff-top.

Barn on the Carlos Avery Game Farm

Barn on the Carlos Avery Game Farm

The original rectangular barn, designed by architect Walter MacLeith. Photograph by Vickie Wendel, Anoka County Historical Society, October 23, 2016. Used with the permission of Anoka County Historical Society.

Barn, Beltrami County Poor Farm

Barn, Beltrami County Poor Farm

The barn at the Beltrami County Poor Farm, ca. 1920s. From the Beltrami County Poor Farm records (State Archives, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul).

Barn, feed, and storage building at Carlos Avery Game Farm

Barn, feed, and storage building at Carlos Avery Game Farm

Barn, feed, and storage building, Carlos Avery Game Farm, 1938.


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