Arrowhead Country tourism brochure

Arrowhead Country tourism brochure

Arrowhead Country tourism brochure, ca. 1926. Forms part of “Pamphlets relating to the Arrowhead Region in Minnesota, 1909–” (F614.A7), pamphlets collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Art class at the Walker Art Center

Art class at the Walker Art Center

Art class at the Walker Art Center, 1940. The Federal Art Project held art classes for all ages at the Walker in the late 1930s and early 1940s.

Black and white photograph of the Art deco design in ceiling, Grand Theater, date unknown.

Art deco design in ceiling, Grand Theater

Art deco design in ceiling, Grand Theater, date unknown.

Art Deco-styled elevator bay, Minnesota Building

Art deco-styled elevator bay in the Minnesota Building, 2009. Photograph by Thomas R. Zahn.

Art display inside CLUES

Art display inside CLUES

Visitors view art on display inside CLUES (Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio, 797 East Seventh Street, St. Paul) on September 18, 2021, during Fiesta Latina 2021. Photograph by Kevin Gardea. Used with the permission of CLUES.

Art installation inside the Walker Art Center

Art installation inside the Walker Art Center

An installation view of an exhibition at the Walker Art Center. Photograph by Flickr user jpellgen (@1179_jp), June 10, 2017. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Black and white photograph from the Grand National Bake-Off at the Waldorf Astoria, New York, 1950. Left to right: Art Linkletter, contestant, Duchess of Windsor (the former Wallis Simpson), Philip Pillsbury.

Art Linkletter, a contestant, the Duchess of Windsor, and Philip Pillsbury at the 1950 Pillsbury Bake-Off

Pillsbury Mills, Incorporated, CBS Photo, Grand National Bake-Off at the Waldorf Astoria, New York, 1950. Left to right: Art Linkletter, contestant, Duchess of Windsor (Wallis Simpson), Philip Pillsbury.

Art Rolnick, Steve Seel, and Rep. Carlos Mariani at a Policy and a Pint session.

Art Rolnick, Steve Seel, and Rep. Carlos Mariani at a Policy and a Pint session.

Art Rolnick, co-director of the Human Capital Research Collaborative at the University of Minnesota and a senior fellow at the Humphrey Institute, left, joins host Steve Seel of The Current and Rep. Carlos Mariani, DFL-St. Paul, at a Policy and a Pint session Monday, July 23, 2012 at the Varsity Theater in Minneapolis to talk about student debt.

Color image of Hmong youth participate in Art Saves Us: Beyond the Noise, collaboratively creating original music in the Center for Hmong Arts & Culture’s (CHAT’s) St. Paul studio, May, 2013.

Art Saves Us

Hmong youth participate in Art Saves Us: Beyond the Noise, collaboratively creating original music in the Center for Hmong Arts & Talent's (CHAT’s) St. Paul studio, May, 2013. Photographed by Fres Thao.

Art Speaks: Jim Denomie

Jim Denomie reflects on his painting "Off the Reservation (or Minnesota Nice)," which was included in the Art Speaks exhibition at the Minnesota History Center, February 26–July 31, 2022.


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