All American Girls Professional Baseball League player Marg Callaghan sliding into home plate as umpire Norris Ward watches (Opalocka, Florida)

All American Girls Professional Baseball League player Marg Callaghan sliding into home plate as umpire Norris Ward watches (Opalocka, Florida)

A hook slide into home plate during Fort Wayne inter-team practice game in Opalocka, Florida. Pictured are second baseman Marg Callaghan, 26, from Vancouver (formerly of the Minneapolis Millerettes); umpire Norris Ward; and catcher Vivian Kellog from Jackson, Michigan.

Black and white photograph of Allan Henry Spear, ca. 1980.

Allan Henry Spear

Allan Henry Spear, ca. 1980.

Black and white photograph of Allan Spear, 1997. Photographed by Minnesota Senate photographer.

Allan Spear

Allan Spear, 1997. Photographed by a Minnesota Senate photographer.

Allan Spear and Minnesota's Human Rights Act of 1993

Minnesota state senator Allan Spear speaks in favor of a state Human Rights Act on the floor of the Minnesota Senate on March 18, 1993.

Black and white photograph of Allan Spear at a Judiciary Committee hearing, 1987–1990.

Allan Spear at a Judiciary Committee hearing

Allan Spear at a Judiciary Committee hearing, 1987–1990.

Color image of a pinback button used to promote the candidacy of Senator Allan Spear, ca. late 1970s to early 1980s.

Allan Spear campaign button

Pinback button used to promote the candidacy of Senator Allan Spear, ca. late 1970s to early 1980s.

Black and white flyer from Spear’s first, and unsuccessful, run for office in 1968.

Allan Spear flyer

Flyer from Spear’s first, and unsuccessful, run for office in 1968. Flyer is from MN 150: The People, Places, and Things That Shape Our State, by Kate Roberts (Minnesota Historical Society Press).

Color image of a lawn sign used to promote the candidacy of Senator Allan Spear, ca. 1980s.

Allan Spear lawn sign

Lawn sign used to promote the candidacy of Senator Allan Spear, ca. 1980s.

Alonzo J. Whiteman

Alonzo J. Whiteman

Alonzo J. Whiteman, ca. 1881.

Alonzo J. Whiteman

Alonzo J. Whiteman

Drawing of Alonzo J. Whiteman, ca. 1890s.


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