Alexis Jean Fournier (on right), with Richard LaGallienne

Alexis Jean Fournier (on right), with Richard LaGallienne

Alexis Jean Fournier (on right), with English writer Richard LaGallienne, 1908.

Alexis Jean Fournier with painter's palette

Alexis Jean Fournier with painter's palette

Alexis Jean Fournier with painter's palette, c. 1930.

Black and white photograph of Alfred Merritt, and his wife Jane, c.1900.

Alfred and Jane A. Merritt

Alfred Merritt, and his wife Jane, c.1900. While Leonidas led the mining operation, it was Alfred that brought suit against John D. Rockefeller.

Black and white photograph of General Alfred H. Sully (here as a colonel, c. 1862) commanded the Northwest Indian Expeditions of 1864 and 1865.

Alfred H. Sully

General Alfred H. Sully (here as a colonel, c. 1862) commanded the Northwest Indian Expeditions of 1864 and 1865.

Black and white photograph of Alice Ames Winter, c.1923.

Alice Ames Winter

Alice Ames Winter, c.1923. Winter was chair of the Woman’s Committee of the Minnesota Commission of Public Safety and the Minnesota Woman’s Committee of the Council of National Defense.

Black and white photograph of St. Catherine’s alumna Betty Hubbard (right) pinning a corsage on Alice Gustava Smith (Sister Maris Stella, left) at the College of St. Catherine in 1971. Photographed by P.J. Strasser.

Alice Gustava Smith (Sister Maris Stella) and Betty Hubbard.

St. Catherine’s alumna Betty Hubbard (right) pins a corsage on Alice Gustava Smith (Sister Maris Stella, left) at the College of St. Catherine in 1971. Photographed by P.J. Strasser.

Black and white photograph of Alice Gustava Smith (Sister Maris Stella, left) with May Sarton (right), c.1958.

Alice Gustava Smith (Sister Maris Stella) and May Sarton

Alice Gustava Smith (Sister Maris Stella, left) with May Sarton (right), c.1958.

Black and white photograph of Alice Gustava Smith (Sister Maris Stella) at Our Lady of Victory Chapel on the campus of the College of St. Catherine, c.1970.

Alice Gustava Smith (Sister Maris Stella) at Our Lady of Victory Chapel

Alice Gustava Smith (Sister Maris Stella) at Our Lady of Victory Chapel on the campus of the College of St. Catherine, c.1970.

Black and white photograph of Alice Gustava Smith (Sister Maris Stella) in her office at the College of St. Catherine, c.1970.

Alice Gustava Smith (Sister Maris Stella) in her office

Alice Gustava Smith (Sister Maris Stella) in her office at the College of St. Catherine, c.1970.

Alice Paul

Alice Paul

Alice Paul, 1915. Paul worked closely with Minnesota suffragist Bertha Moller in the 1910s. Photograph by Harris and Ewing. Harris and Ewing collection, Library of Congress. Public domain.


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