Aerial View of Harmony, 1976

Aerial View of Harmony, 1976

Ariel view, Harmony (Fillmore County), Minnesota. Photograph by Vincent H. Mart, 1976.

aerial photograph of Macalester College campus, 1921

Aerial view of Macalester College in 1921

Aerial view of the college (ca. 1921).

Aerial view of Mankato State College, Valley Campus

Aerial view of Mankato State College, Valley Campus

Aerial view of Mankato State College, Valley Campus, 1960.

Aerial view of Mankato State University, Highland Campus

Aerial view of Mankato State University, Highland Campus

Aerial view of Mankato State College, Highland Campus, 1970.

Aerial view of Mankato State University, Highland Campus

Aerial view of Mankato State University, Highland Campus

Aerial view of Mankato State University Highland Campus, 1980.

Color image of an aerial view of Metropolitan Stadium, Bloomington, MN, ca. 1958–1966. Photograph: Gordon A. Erickson.

Aerial view of Metropolitan Stadium, Bloomington

Aerial view of Metropolitan Stadium, Bloomington, MN, ca. 1958–1966. Photograph: Gordon A. Erickson.

Aerial view of Minnesota State Capitol

Aerial view of Minnesota State Capitol

Aerial view of the Minnesota State Capitol, 1941. Photograph by Kenneth Melvin Wright.

Aerial view of Minnesota State Prison, Stillwater

Aerial view of Minnesota State Prison, Stillwater

Aerial view of Minnesota State Prison, Stillwater, 1954. Photograph by Mary Kruskopf.

Black and white photograph of Northwest Airlines and McInnis Aviation Service hangars, Wold-Chamberlain Field, undated.

Aerial view of Northwest Airlines and McInnis Aviation Service hangars

Aerial view of Northwest Airlines and McInnis Aviation Service hangars, Wold-Chamberlain Field, undated.

Color aerial view of expanded Minneapolis Sculpture Garden and moved Softball field.

Aerial view of Parade after Minneapolis Sculpture Garden expanded

This aerial view shows The Parade after the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden was expanded and the softball field was moved (foreground) to replace the demolished stadium.


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