Bruce Brockway and Rene Valdes at Bde Maka Ska

Bruce Brockway and Rene Valdes at Bde Maka Ska

Bruce Brockway and Rene Valdes at Bde Maka Ska in the summer of 1980. Valdez met Brockway when the latter came to Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, where Valdes and other Cuban refugees of the Mariel Boatlift were being detained. Valdes and Brockway became partners and remained together until shortly before Brockway’s death from an AIDS-related lymphoma in 1984. Used with the permission of Alan Lessik.

Bruce Brockway at home

Bruce Brockway at home

Bruce Brockway at home in Minneapolis in 1981, the year he started noticing his AIDS symptoms. Used with the permission of Alan Lessik.

Bruce Brockway at Minnehaha Falls

Bruce Brockway at Minnehaha Falls

Bruce Brockway at Minnehaha Falls in 1980. Used with the permission of Alan Lessik.

Bruce Brockway on his AIDS diagnosis

Excerpt of a lawyer’s deposition of Bruce Brockway, conducted on August 27, 1982. Brockway was a person of interest in a Minneapolis murder case at the time. In the clip, he discusses his AIDS diagnosis and state of health. A gay activist and the publisher of the Twin Cities’ first gay newspaper (Northland Companion, later renamed Positively Gay and then GLC Voice), Brockway was the first documented Minnesotan diagnosed with AIDS. From the personal collection of Alan Lessik. Used with the permission of Britt Aamodt.

Color image of Bruno Jurchen with his “Old Faithful” squeezebox, 1967.

Bruno Jurchen with his “Old Faithful” squeezebox

Bruno Jurchen with his “Old Faithful” squeezebox, 1967.

Bruns and Finkle general store, Moorhead

Bruns and Finkle general store, Moorhead. Stereograph, c.1880.

Bud Nakasone – What Fort Snelling Means to Me

Bud Nakasone, who worked as a Japanese linguist at Fort Snelling during World War II, describes his path from Hawaii to Minnesota.

Buddha statues

Buddha statues

Buddha statues on a raised platform in an outdoor area of Watt Munisotaram. Photo by Flickr user Coacoabiscuit, June 18, 2022. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Buddha statues inside the main temple

Buddha statues inside the main temple

Buddha statues in symbolic poses (mudrās) on the lower floor of Watt Munisotaram’s main building. Visible are a Buddha in a Dhyāna Mudrā (meditation pose, at center); a Buddha in a Dharmachakra Mudrā (teaching pose, at left); and a Buddha in an Abhaya Mudrā (fearlessness pose, at right). Photograph by Will Yetvin, April 10, 2016. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Buffalo (American bison) at Como Zoo

Buffalo (American bison) at Como Zoo

Buffalo (American bison) at Como Zoo with zookeeper John Petro, St. Paul, 1928. Photo by St. Paul Daily News.


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