Black and white photograph of three West Publishing Company employees, c.1965.

Four West Publishing Company employees

Four West Publishing Company employees, c.1965.

Color image of the Fournier House, c.1995.

Fournier House

The Fournier House, c.1995.

Black and white photograph of the Fourth Battalion Band, Minnesota Home Guard, c.1918.

Fourth Battalion Band, Minnesota Home Guard

Fourth Battalion Band, Minnesota Home Guard, c.1918.

Color postcard of the fourth Cathedral of St. Paul, c.1956.

Fourth Cathedral of St. Paul

The fourth Cathedral of St. Paul, c.1956.

Painting showing an artist's depiction of the Fourth Minnesota entering Vicksburg after its surrender

Fourth Minnesota Regiment Entering Vicksburg, July 4, 1863

Fourth Minnesota Regiment Entering Vicksburg, July 4, 1863. Painting by artist Francis Davis Millet.

The Fourth Minnesota battle flag is blue with gold fringe. It is missing a large portion of the center, but a motto and image are still somewhat visible.

Fourth Minnesota regimental battle flag

Fourth Minnesota regimental battle flag, front.

The Fourth Minnesota battle flag is blue with gold fringe. It is missing a large portion of the center, but a motto and image are still somewhat visible. This is the reverse side.

Fourth Minnesota regimental battle flag

Fourth Minnesota regimental battle flag, back

Black and white photograph of a Fourth of July festival at Co-opMesaba Park, 1937.

Fourth of July festival at Mesaba Co-op Park

Fourth of July festival at Mesaba Co-op Park, 1937.

Foyer and stairway, governor’s residence

Foyer and stairway, governor’s residence

Front foyer, stairway, second floor landing and front entrance of governor's residence at 1006 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, 1979. Photo by Elizabeth M. Hall.

Fragment of rope which formed part of the noose used to hang William Willams

Fragment of execution rope

Fragment of execution rope used to hang William Williams in 1906. The rope was too long, causing a slow, grisly death and prompting Minnesota to end the death penalty. Williams was the last person to be executed in Minnesota.


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