Women packing Red Mill cheese products

Women packing Red Mill cheese products

Women packaging Red Mill cheese in a Minneapolis factory, October 14, 1937. Photograph by the Minneapolis Star and Tribune.

Parching wild rice at Nett Lake

Women parching wild rice at Nett Lake

Ojibwe women parching wild rice at Nett Lake Indian Reservation, ca. 1947. Photograph by Monroe P. Killy.

Black and white photograph of women reading in library, Rochester State Hospital, c.1930.

Women reading in library, Rochester State Hospital

Women reading in library, Rochester State Hospital, c.1930.

photograph of a room full of women at sewing machines

Women sewing, Munsingwear Corporation, Minneapolis

Women sewing, Munsingwear Corporation, Minneapolis, 1920. Photograph by C. J. Hibbard.

Black and white photograph of women with parasols by round tower, c.1900.

Women with parasols by Round Tower

Women with parasols by Round Tower, c.1900.

Women with their bicycles

Women with their bicycles

Women with their bicycles, c.1898.

Women workers at Minneapolis Steel and Machinery Company

Women workers at Minneapolis Steel and Machinery Company

Women workers at Minneapolis Steel and Machinery Company (2854 Minnehaha Avenue, Minneapolis), ca. 1917.

Packing chocolates at Griggs, Cooper & Company in St. Paul, ca. 1932

Women working at Griggs, Cooper & Company

Packing chocolates at Griggs, Cooper & Company in St. Paul, ca. 1932.

Women working at Hamm’s Brewery

Women working at Hamm’s Brewery

Women working at Hamm’s Brewery in St. Paul, ca. 1904.

Women working in a Minneapolis factory

Women working in a Minneapolis factory

Women working in a Minneapolis factory. Photograph by Ray Gordon, ca. 1940–1945.


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