Black and white photograph of two West Publishing Company employees, c.1967.

Two West Publishing Company employees

Two West Publishing Company employees, c.1967.

Two women and girl with bicycles

Two women and girl with bicycles

Two women and a girl with bicycles, 1897.

Two women in bathing suits under Minnehaha Falls

Two women in bathing suits under Minnehaha Falls

Photograph of two women in bathing suits under Minnehaha Falls. Captured by a Star Tribune photographer on June 22, 1938.

Black and white photograph of visitors below the falls, c.1869.

Two women watching Minnehaha Falls, Minneapolis.

Visitors pose on the bridge below the falls, c.1869.

Two women with bicycles near Mni Owe Sni (Coldwater Spring)

Two women with bicycles near Mni Owe Sni (Coldwater Spring)

Two women with bicycles near Mni Owe Sni (Coldwater Spring), 1899.

Tying wild rice stalks

Tying wild rice stalks

An Ojibwe woman ties together stalks of wild rice with basswood fiber to prepare them for harvest. Photograph by Frances Densmore, ca. 1930s. From Reserve Album 96, page 27.

Black and white photograph of typesetting with Linotype machines at West Publishing Company, 1917.

Typesetting with Linotype machines at West Publishing Company

Typesetting with Linotype machines at West Publishing Company, 1917.

Black and white photograph of U-Meet-Us, Black Senior Citizens Lounge, and Minneapolis Urban League, East 38th St and 4th Ave, Minneapolis, 1975.

U-Meet-Us, Black Senior Citizens Lounge

U-Meet-Us, Black Senior Citizens Lounge, and Minneapolis Urban League, East 38th St and 4th Ave, Minneapolis, 1975.

U.S. Army officer's Model 1850 sword and scabbard

U.S. Army officer's Model 1850 sword and scabbard

Captain Leonard Aldrich of the Eighth Minnesota's Company F carried this sword during the 1863 Henry Sibley expedition against the Dakota.

U.S. Army percussion cap pouch

U.S. Army percussion cap pouch

Josiah Lathrop of the Eighth Minnesota's Company H used this 1850 model pouch during the Civil War.


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