Black and white photograph of the Minnesota Club at Fourth and Cedar Streets, St. Paul, c.1914.

The Minnesota Club

The Minnesota Club at Fourth and Cedar Streets, St. Paul, c.1914.

Black and white advertisement for the Minnesota State Fair, 1878.

The Minnesota State Fair, At St.Paul.

1878 advertisement featuring the Minnesota State Fair.

Group photograph of the Minnesota state legislature, 1903. Photo by Harry Shepherd.

The Minnesota state legislature of 1903.

Group photograph of the Minnesota state legislature, 1903. Photo by Harry Shepherd.

The Muto family at the St. Paul Resettlement Hostel

The Muto family at the St. Paul Resettlement Hostel

Mrs. Takio Muto with her daughter Carol Ann (center) and son Curtis (left) at the St. Paul Resettlement Hostel. Takio Muto worked at the Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS) at Fort Snelling. From a clipping of the St. Paul Dispatch, ca. 1946, included in the St. Paul Resettlement Committee records, 1942–1953 (Manuscript Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul).

aerial photograph of Mesabi Iron Company plant

The old Babbitt plant of the Mesabi Iron Company

The old Babbitt plant of the Mesabi Iron Company was enlarged and rebuilt for use as a test plant by Reserve Mining Company in 1951–1952. It operated from 1952–1957 producing taconite pellets.

Black and white photograph of the Old Pioneer Guard, 1859.

The Old Pioneer Guard

The Old Pioneer Guard, 1859.

The old Union Depot, St. Paul.

The old Union Depot, St. Paul

The Old Union Depot, St. Paul, c.1890.

The Ordway Center for the Performing Arts, the primary performance venue of the Minnesota Opera

The Ordway Center for the Performing Arts, the primary performance venue of the Minnesota Opera

The Ordway Center for the Performing Arts, the primary performance venue of the Minnesota Opera, in St. Paul, August 2, 2011. Public domain.

The Ordway Center for the Performing Arts, the primary performance venue of the Minnesota Opera

The Ordway Center for the Performing Arts, the primary performance venue of the Minnesota Opera

Exterior of the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts, the primary performance venue of the Minnesota Opera, in St. Paul, April 9, 2006. Photograph by Susan Mollerus, April 9, 2006. CC BY 2.0.

The original Schmidt Hospital building

The original Schmidt Memorial Hospital, 1951. From Westbrook Celebrates a Century, 1900–2000 (Westbrook Centennial Committee, 2000).


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